BBC News: Anti-Mutant Bigots attack innocent Londoners

BBC News: Anti-Mutant Bigots attack innocent Londoners

Postby Narrator » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:16 pm

A flurry of seeming disasters and violent outbursts have been plaguing the new University on the Thames. Though it has taken some time to discover what happened, the picture that emerges now is one of irresponsibility, racial prejudice, and vicious lawlessness. What appeared on the surface as lawful protests were in fact a calculated campaign of ethnic cleansing.

A political group known as The Alliance of Man, once thought to be law abiding and civil, staged the systematic harassment and assault of local Londoners who's only crime was an X-Gene, and choosing to live in Lambeth. The Alliance of Man supplied petty criminals with firearms, explosive gasoline, and organization in a calculated operation that has shocked London to its core.

Students from the Xavier's University were on hand to repel the criminals, and protect the people of Lambeth. The X-Teams, as they are called, were able to defuse the situation without a single fatality, and only minor injuries to those causing the trouble. Only one Lambeth local was injured, and the X-Teams were on hand to provide medical assistance as well. The Prime Minister has issued a statement saying that he is very pleased with the X-Team response, and he plans to give them greater authority to defuse dangerous situations in the future. In light of how swiftly and bloodlessly they handled the crisis, there are few in Parliament who disagree.

Of course, the Conservatives are nursing a bloody nose from this event as well, so they're unlikely to speak out against a Labour PM at the moment. The Alliance Of Man was found to have heavily funded the Conservative political machine, and with the Alliance revealed as criminals, Conservatives are backpedaling quickly in an effort to distance themselves from that organization.

London police were able to apprehend one Richard Flint, and were supplied with documents proving that he had hired a former IRA Captain to provide him with criminal minions. Mr. Flint is currently awaiting trial. Still at large is Alliance leader Emanuel Marcus Tredaniel IV, fled from his posh Kensington estate in the night. Also still at large is former IRA Captain Walter Finn. The police are conducting a through investigation.

Public opinion in London and England at large has turned strongly pro-Mutant in light of this breaking story, with 68% of Londoners now supporting the new University, and 83% condemning the near-tragedy in Mutant Town. Parliament has been quick to follow suit, and an anti-discrimination bill for Mutant Housing that had been stalled in the Commons is now back on the table.

You can count on BBC News to keep you appraised of any further developments to this story. To subscribe to this story and receive updates automatically, click the link on the headline, or text '11BBC-823523' to the BBC subscription service.
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Re: BBC News: Anti-Mutant Bigots attack innocent Londoners

Postby Will Stanton » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:28 pm

Will totally subscribes.
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Re: BBC News: Anti-Mutant Bigots attack innocent Londoners

Postby Harold Marks » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:36 pm

Harold subscribes. "Hrm. Guess we haven't handed Finn over yet..."
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Re: BBC News: Anti-Mutant Bigots attack innocent Londoners

Postby Merle McClintock » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:03 pm

Merle subscribes to the story. Booyah! Rugby and telepathy and creepy vampire girls, plus two other teams, had solved the case.
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