The Sun: Trouble at Mutant U (British Newspaper)

The Sun: Trouble at Mutant U (British Newspaper)

Postby Narrator » Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:49 pm

It seems not everyone is happy to see the school term starting, at least not when this year's term marks the opening of the Xavier Institute: London Campus, or as it's more commonly known, the XLU. Brits are becoming more and more outspoken against the university, the reactions seeming to cascade in the face of all the mutant arrivals.

Concerns have been voiced about everything from the dangerous aspects of the so called X-Team program to the rowdy nature of the students, to some possible contamination from 'strange mutant diseases'. Charles Xavier, famous mutant and headmaster, had this to say.

"When it comes to the impact the school will have on the London area, I think we will see a tremendous positive effect. The school has been built in boroughs that are historically lower income, and the influx of students will generate long term economic growth from increased spending in the area. We've already hired maintenance personnel and contractors, always trying to hire locally. More than that, I hope to see new understanding born of the influx of so many bright young people, especially with the school's emphasis on public service."

Fine words from the aged Mr. Xavier, but we also spoke to a local London businessman who had this to say.

"Mutants are a threat to London and Britain as a whole. This X-Team program is nothing more than a paramilitary organization, not beholden to our laws, our military, or our voters. What's more, they're only going to stir up the mutants living in Lambeth. Lambeth is a rough area, and it's gotten worse since the mutants moved in. Mark my words, we'll see violence before the week is out, and riots before this thing is through. I've worked with business men and landowners to try to get Parliament to see sense on this issue, but it seems all they see is Xavier's money. We'll see what that brings us, and God help us all if worst comes to worst, and they ruin our historic and beautiful city."

MPs are under increasing pressure from local groups to do something about this issue, or at least have input. Look for this to be on politician's lips as negotiations break down on the stalemate between Labour and the Conservatives.
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