Alex Carpenter

Alex Carpenter

Postby Alex Carpenter » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:43 pm

Name: Alex Carpenter
Code Name: Alloy
Age: 16

Power: Metal-shifting - Alex can meld with the properties of metallic compounds. This takes either considerable effort or familiarity with the metal (or a metal very similar). Initiating the meld requires skin-to-metal contact (unstable molecules do not block the effect)

The meld has two effects:
Metallic form: Alex's body takes on the composition of that metal, becoming purely that metal (retaining the ability to move, see, hear, and feel, though taste and other digestive functions no longer occur, nor does respiration).
Metallic control: Alex can exert control over the shape and motion of samples of the metal that he is currently composed of. This requires physical contact with the sample he is trying to influence.

Personality: Cocky, self-sure, without being a complete asshole. Possibly a bit full of himself, with the decency to be appalled if called on it.

Description: Blonde hair, brown eyes, with a lean athletic build. About 5’11” tall.

Background: Alex grew up in a well-to-do home, his mother being a lawyer, his father a doctor, and his uncle a worker for X-Corp (which the family rarely talked about). His mother was well aware that he might be a mutant, since both of his uncles were, though they were a subject that didn’t get brought up much outside the home for alternately political and criminal reasons. He was warned not to flaunt it around his Grandfather just to make everyone’s life easier, which he… attempted to do. Mostly. Sort of. A little. He isn’t a mutant supremacist, and he isn’t a human apologist, for the simple reason that he doesn’t care enough about political stances to take one. Knowing just how badly it could go to not send him somewhere to learn to deal with his mutation, he finished out his year at school and was then enrolled at Xavier’s.

Reboot notes - Changes:
  • Power altered (approved with North for power similarities)
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Alex Carpenter
XI Student
Posts: 2269
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:10 am

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