(Ten's Slot 2/6) Dana Lawrence

(Ten's Slot 2/6) Dana Lawrence

Postby Dana Lawrence » Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:23 am

Name: Dana Lawrence

Age: 15

Power: Accelerating post-human Intellect. Dana’s level of intelligence is constantly accelerating, putting her well beyond what most people would consider a genius or a prodigy already and is showing no sign of slowing down.

As a side effect of her abilities, Dana was initially diagnosed as being autistic as a child. While that appears to more likely be a side effect of her mutation, she does still have some of the qualities that are used to diagnose autism spectrum disorder including trouble with communication, repetitive behavior, and impaired social development.

Description: Thin, short and a little bit lanky, Dana looks to be a bit of a tomboy. She keeps her blonde hair cut short and is never seen without the sunglasses she’s always wearing. She has very little facial expression, usually looking very deadpan. She tends towards simple fashions, long raglan sleeved shirts and jeans being her favorite outfits.

Personality: Dana is friendly, in her own way. Extremely curious and driven by an extreme ambition to learn everything she can about everything, Dana won't let anything stand in her way when it comes to learning new things.

The side effects caused by her abilities result in some odd behaviors. Dana has trouble discerning emotions and facial expressions, often having to be directly told what people are feeling. She also is incredibly inept at understanding certain forms of humor, such as sarcasm.

Dana is honest to the point of being very blunt. She is incredibly uncomfortable with dishonesty and will not lie if it can be avoided in any way.

History: Dana was born into your average middle class family. Her parents both worked full time, her dad working as a mechanist and her mother working for a non-profit charity. She has two older brothers and was generally treated kindly, if babied a little. Partly because of the fact that she’s the youngest and partly because of the fact that at the age of three Dana was diagnosed as being a high functioning autistic child.

Dana’s abilities didn’t surface until the age of twelve, when her intelligence began rapidly accelerating. In less then a year, she was already well beyond her peers and put into accelerated programs. By the time she was 14, Dana had quit going to school altogether, preferring to take a more autodidactic approach.

After a concerned visit by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about one of her “learning programs” her parents were approached by the Xavier Institute. Attracted by promises by an intense and varied curriculum, Dana packed her bags and headed out to Westchester County.
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Dana Lawrence
XI Student
Posts: 344
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:24 am

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