Madrox Saavedra

Madrox Saavedra

Postby Madrox Saavedra » Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:04 pm

Name: Madrox Saavedra
Codename: Talos
Country of Origin: United States
Race: Android
Age: 4~5 (21 by memory)
Birthday: October 1st (January 26 by memory)
Height: 5'10" ||| Weight: 225 lbs.


Physical Description: 225 lbs. Madrox has black hair and blue eyes and is identical to his late brother Felix except for lacking all of Felix's mutant features. He also has a well defined musculature (composed of synthetic muscle) and the tan skin one would expect of a human of Puerto Rican descent.

Personality: Madrox is, essentially, a human mind trapped in a mechanical body. A mind based on that of a shy, naive nerd that has since grown into a brave and dedicated X-Man. Ultimately a pacifist at heart, he is unwilling to harm his enemies unless absolutely necessary. However, he will relentlessly protect both his friends and the innocent. Whether or not a machine can have a soul, he is determined to carry himself as if he does.

Power Explanation:
Base Abilities:
— Psychic Immunity: Not having a biological brain, Madrox is immune to telepathy.
— Enhanced Strength
— Enhanced Reflexes
— Enhanced Intelligence
— Foot-Mounted Flight Thrusters
— Repulsor: One on his right hand. Capable of giving an average human a good toss.
- Laser Blaster: Left hand weapon. Usually reserved for more dangerous opponents.

Software Features: A skilled martial artist, programmer, and robotics engineer.

History: As far as memory serves, until the date of his creation, Madrox was Felix Saavedra. His independent existence began when Felix used his "Visual Output" power on the Danger Room computer, managing to inadvertently create an advanced digital duplicate of himself. This duplicate was moved to Dr. McCoy's lab and eventually inserted into a robotic frame which was then covered by synthetic flesh to create a more human appearance.

When his creator and brother Felix was killed by a Sentinel, he vowed to protect other young mutants from similar fates. After the current X-Team program was started in, he was a solid choice to join it's ranks. Since then he has, under the initially reluctant guidance of Dr. Hank McCoy, sought substantial upgrades to his body. Wanting to be a more active member as he continued his education, he transferred to XU for it's starting semester. Since then he has been pulled from his body and had to build a new body from available parts. Thankfully, the hijacked lab was fully stocked and capable of the task of building him as he was (perhaps better).

Notable changes:
- Never tried a completely modular system.
- Never built a pet drone.
- Less of a reclusive lab jockey.
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Madrox Saavedra
XI Student
Posts: 1371
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:43 pm

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