[Ten Slot 2/6] Kaliyah Shah

[Ten Slot 2/6] Kaliyah Shah

Postby Kaliyah Shah » Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:25 pm

Name: Kaliyah Shah

Age: 19

Power: Callie's body is surrounded by a field that absorbs any incoming kinetic energy. As a result, she is practically invulnerable to any sort of physical blow or impact.

The energy is stored within her body until her cells reach saturation, at which point the excess energy is expelled violently and uncontrollable. The result is a concussive blast of energy capable of devastating the nearby area.

As the result of intensive treatment and training at Muir Island, Callie is able to identify when she is in danger of reaching saturation, contain the blasts, and even bleed off energy with smaller, more controlled blasts.

Description: Callie is an athletically built girl of average height with brown eyes and dark brown hair that she keeps in dreadlocks. She usually dresses in a tank top and jeans. She prefers not to wear shoes whenever she can get away with it.

Background: Callie was born to wealthy parents in New York City. For most of her life, she lived a life of privelige. Anything she could possibly want was provided for her. She went to the best private schools and was basically spoiled rotten until the age of 13 when she began having sporadic migraines and pain throughout her entire body. Her parents took her to various medical specialists, but none of them were able to explain where the pain was coming from.

Than one day while Callie was at school, all the built up energy she had been unconciously absorbing exploded without warning. The result was a blast that destroyed a classroom and left half a dozen students dead and many more injured.

With Callie unable to control her abilities, X-Corp was forced to keep her isolated for treatment on Muir Island. For six years, Callie has made Muir Island her home while she learned to control her abilities. Only recently was she finally able to demonstrate enough control to be "graduated" into the general population of Xavier University.
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Kaliyah Shah
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Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:20 pm

Re: Kaliyah Shah

Postby Will Stanton » Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:05 pm

Approval 1/2
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Re: Kaliyah Shah

Postby Amanda Weinrich » Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:48 pm

Rock on!

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Re: Kaliyah Shah

Postby Kaliyah Shah » Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:49 pm

Woo! Thanks guys!
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Kaliyah Shah
Posts: 454
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