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(Nate's Slot 1/8) Mary Ann London

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:46 pm
by Mary Ann London
Name: Mary Ann London
Age: 16

Power: Mary Ann is a shapeshifter capable of transforming into a brown bear comparable to a kodiak bear. Her altered form comes attendant with additional strength and heightened senses (specifically hearing and sense of smell).

In human form, she has flashes of heightened senses though not quite to the level of when she's shapeshifted. She also has sleep issues, especially when the weather is cold.

Personality: Mary Ann is friendly, probably friendlier than is good for her. This probably has something to do with why she's at the Institute now.

Description: Mary Ann's hair is perpetually unkempt. She commonly wears patchwork skirts or worn jeans with thrift store t-shirts.

Background: Mary Ann grew up in a small farming cooperative in upstate New York. She led a fairly normal rural American life until her mutant abilities started showing up. When they first started, her parents were unsure of what to do, so they hid it. However, soon the word of a bear in the neighborhood forced their hand in order to protect her. It stayed within their community until some troublemakers reported her to the government and she immediately made plans to attend the Institute for her own safety and that of her parents.

Re: (Nate's Slot 1/8) Mary Ann London

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:55 pm
by Samantha McManus
A pretty well established template. Here's to more kodiak moments.

Approval 1/2

Re: (Nate's Slot 1/8) Mary Ann London

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:01 pm
by Will Stanton
Trav, I should hit you for that joke.

...I was going to do that.

Approval 2/2

Re: (Nate's Slot 1/8) Mary Ann London

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:52 pm
by Stephanie Kaltiera
Yay more shifter kids!