Kay Haddock

Kay Haddock

Postby Kay Haddock » Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:25 am

Name: Kaydence Haddock
Codename: Naiad
Country of Origin: USA
Hometown: Flint, MI
Age: 16

Kay has physical mutations that adapt her to an aquatic environment. She can breath underwater (as well as in the air obviously) and is extremely agile in the water compared to a base-line human. Her skin doesn't wrinkle from long exposure to water and insulates her a little from low temperatures. (down to 50° temperature or so) Her eyes allow her to see normally underwater and in very low-light environments.

Kay is shy. Not so much by choice but because of her surroundings reacted to her mutation and taught her to stay in the background. She is very self-conscious about her looks and hates the fact that she's a mutant. Which somewhat colors her opinion on other mutants at times.
Thanks to her experiences at the school she's grown to have a much better view of herself and can almost be a bit cocky at times. She's still not perfectly happy with the way she looks but having various people crush on her has done wonders for her self-esteem, as has dating the daughter of the headmistress.

Kay has a rather obvious physical mutation. Her skin is cold and smooth, looking rather pale. She has webbed toes and fingers that are tipped by clawed nails. Her eyes are dark without any white and her nose somewhat flattens down into her upper-lip. Outside the water her neck shows faint hints of her gills. Aside from all that she's a normal teenager with dark brown hair and a slightly diminutive built. She tends to dress in pastel colors and hoodies that are a size or two too large so she can let the sleeves cover up her hands with the hood pulled into her face.

Kay grew up in Flint, Michigan in a borderline poor household. When her mutation set in her parents pulled her out of school to home-school her, treating the whole thing as a disease pretty much. Though when it progressed further they couldn't handle the "disfigurement" of her daughter and eventually send her to Xavier's Institute, much to the protest of Kay who, despite the rather tense atmosphere at home, preferred the home-schooling to the thought of going to school again and being exposed to other mutants. She's come around a bit since then though she's still quick to feel like she's on the outside, looking in.

Reboot Notes:

Following her abduction by Kraven, Kay has gained fin-like growths on her arms and legs.
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Kay Haddock
XI Student
Posts: 3650
Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:33 pm

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