Altamira Vazquez

Altamira Vazquez

Postby Altamira Vazquez » Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:05 am

Name: The Phoenix
Codename: Altamira Vazquez
Age: 14.6 billion
Hometown: Everywhere and anywhere

Power: The Phoenix is the immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the primal universal force or life.

Non-mutant abilities: As Altamira,was a quite talented artist.

Physical Description: As Altamira, a short, Spanish orphan.

Personality: Altamira's eternal optimism was beaten down into it's current state over time. No one could really deal with that level of power and maintain a positive outlook on life.

Background; Pre-XU: For the Phoenix, consult your local comic book stands, as it's quite involved. Altamira was an orphan, found in Santillana del Mar in northern Spain. She helped take care of the orphanage before attending XU

At XU: The Phoenix gradually made itself known to Altamira, and more and more of the nearly unlimited power came to her. She had a hard time dealing with it, and it ended up souring her relationships with paramours Daniel and Kevin, and her friendship with Janice and the rest of the former pack. Professors McManus and Weaver attempted to help her come to grip with her new role...

...until she was forced into action against a Dark version of herself in an alternate universe. Forced to brutally murder her opposite number, and destroying that world's moon, leading to untold millions of deaths back on the planet, Mira fell into a deep depression, convinced that she was the Dark Phoenix, and this was yet another strike in the Phoenix's untold billions killed, each of which she remembers as if she was there at the time -- for she was. She is the Phoenix, and all acts, past and present, fall heavily on her shoulders.

Retcons: None

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Altamira Vazquez
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