Byrna Cooper

Byrna Cooper

Postby Byrna Cooper » Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:04 pm

Name: Byrna "Bear" Cooper
Codename: The Closer
Age: 20 (Birthday: Jan. 15)

Power: Superhuman throwing ability

By a combination of telekinesis, slight superhuman strength, joint structure and superhuman eyesight, Byrna has the focused ability to throw small objects with a superhuman degree of distance and accuracy. Over the past three years since her powers emerged, she has become quite adept at getting small objects wherever she wants them.

In addition, she can control a small TK shield around what she tosses, to the effect of either protecting what she is throwing from damage, or dealing more damage to whatever she is aiming at.

To compliment her throwing ability, over the past few years Bear has developed a unique martial art (Afastad-lance-do) involving getting an opponent in optimal throwing range using a variety of kick-offs, pushes, judo moves, and acrobatics.

Equipment:Byrna has spent much of her time away from school developing specialized throwing objects, which she carries in a satchel. currently, her inventory includes:

-Gas balls: releases a heavy knockout gas, dissipating after several seconds. She keeps a small gas mask to counter the effects in her satchel.
-Metal balls: solid, good for penetration
-Sticky balls: quick acting, gooey adhesive. Immobilizes
-Pop balls: muted explosive, good for concussive disabling, distractions
-Flash balls: phosphorus-based flare, very bright, good for signaling or blinding temporarily
-Pepper balls: a potent mixture of pepper and garlic gas, incapacitates and stings and is generally unpleasant.
-Spy balls: Able to adhere to surfaces, they deploy a wide range of sensors, Allowing Bear to observe from a safe distance. Built by Binary.
-Grapple balls: trails a long zipline when thrown, allowing Bear to take to the air, swinging and scaling hish surfaces. Built by Talos.
-Tazer Balls: releases an incapacitating electrical jolt when thrown, or unfolds across her fists as a shocking melee weapon. Designed by Talos.
-Buzz-balls: scatters several spinning metal blades when thrown, or unfolds across her fists as a hand weapon.
-Mindnumb ball: Bear keeps one (unique, untested) psionic-dampening ball at the bottom of her bag for emergencies. Engineered from an inhibitor collar, with Talos.
-Bear also carries a few regular baseballs, as well as solid balls composed of different materials, mostly in an attempt to fight the vampires encountered in London.
-She is also more than willing to pick up and throw whatever is available to her.

Personality: Bear has been best described in the past as cheerful, friendly, easygoing, very laid back, and perhaps a bit unaware of the concept of 'personal space'. Whether intentionally or not, she always seemed to improve the mood of whoever she is with. She remains much the same, but she has also developed a darker side after numerous attacks on the XI- she can hold a grudge, and get frustrated when she sees things falling apart. She has also become quite inquisitive academically as of late, becoming very adept at chemistry.

Description: Athletic, 5'6'', 125 lbs, braided, shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes.
Byrna has toned down the hippie wardrobe considerably in the past three years, although she still wears bright colors when not in superhero uniform.

Background: Byrna’s mother and father moved to a medium sized commune in New Hampshire when Byrna was 5, hoping to achieve a simpler way of life from their stressful, big city existence. For 12 years, they lived in peace with the other commune members, even after Byrna started developing an exceptionally good throwing arm.
It was not until Government representatives visited, informing the three that Byrna was a mutant did difficulties arise.
Initially, her parents decided to do nothing, and continue on as before.
Byrna, however, did not wish to bring down difficulties to the commune, took the Federal document identifying her as a mutant, and hitchhiked down I-91 to a school one of the Government men had mentioned in passing…
And three years later, Bear followed her personal road across the Atlantic to London, continuing her studies with many of her friends from the past few years.

Retcon: Back to single, The Triad never happened
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Byrna Cooper
XU Student
Posts: 4704
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:21 pm

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