

Postby Mariuset » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:28 am

Name: Mariuset
Age: 18

Power: Pyrokenisis. She has the ability to manipulate fire, and to generate it on her own skin, she can also exhale a stream of fire to a distance of five feet. She can't throw fireballs, or cause something she isn't in contact with to catch fire. Fire doesn't burn her, and heat and smoke don't interfere with her breathing.

Personality: She is a classic overachiver, studious, eager to please, and slightly socially awkward.

Description: She is typically Lemurian in appearance-humanoid, with green, slightly scaly skin, and dark hair and eyes. Other than that she is fairly tall and rather slender. In an effort to fit in with the airbreathers, she has adopted the jeans and t-shirts that seem to be the typical clothing for her age group.

Background: Mariuset was born to a ordinary Lemurian family, and until she was 14 had a typical upbringing-she went to school, joined her parents on fish hunts, and visited the Temple of Set twice a week to make offerings to the Dread Snake God. Then, her life changed forever. Her mutation manifested, and she gained control over fire-and lost the ability to breathe water. Fortunately she was near the surface when her mutation manifested, and her friends were able to get her into the air before she drowned. Her parents were saddened and horrified that their daughter was now unable to live a normal life, and even less happy when the priestesses of Set announced that Mariuset would make an ideal sacrifice in a few years. They were as devout as anyone, but still, there were limits. For the next few years, she lived on a small atoll in the middle of the Pacific, physically comfortable but isolated from her fellow Lemurians. Eventually, the Atlanteans got wind of the planned sacrifice and rescued her. She lived with them for a few months while a solution was reached that would allow the Lemurian priests to save face, and allow the Atlanteans to not return her. It was decided that, in light of her disability, that she would be sent to live on the surface, safe, but exiled from her own people. She would attend High School at Xaviers, to polish her education and learn human ways.
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Re: Mariuset

Postby Will Stanton » Sun Aug 11, 2013 12:31 am

Ooh, Nailah's not going to like her.
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Re: Mariuset

Postby Samantha McManus » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:49 pm

All hail the dread snake god.

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Re: Mariuset

Postby Nailah Weaver » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:53 pm

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