Veronica Glarette

Veronica Glarette

Postby Veronica Glarette » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:40 pm

Name: Veronica Glarette
Age: 18
Country of Origin: France
Hometown: Nice
Birthday: May 2nd

Power: Psychometry. By holding onto an object, Veronica is able to 'see' details of it's history and 'watch' when events of highly emotional output have taken place with it. For example, a child's teddy-bear can give her a flash of the child that has held it. If she chooses to pursue the vision further, she can gain more detail about where it has been in it's history. In the same example, if she pursues the vision from the teddy-bear, she watches the child clutch to the teddy-bear in fright while he watches his mother go into a drug-induced seizure. Overall, the power can be useful in many different ways, the most prominent being in the case of missing persons.

Her power has begun to move onto the touch of human beings giving her 'sight', but it is not contained and unreliable. While one day she can shake the hand of someone and 'see' nothing, the other day she can simply bump into a passerby and have a glimpse of a an event that was prominent in their life. As unstable as this is, she wants to be able to develop it further, sometimes pushing herself to be able to understand it and control it. By doing this, she has found that the after-effects are not pleasant.

Each memory she accesses seems to overwrite one of her own. What she once perceived as a vision that she accessed with her powers, it slowly develops into something she herself has lived. The more she pushes and accesses, the more of her own memories are lost into fragments of their former selves, once a clear picture, now distorted and confusing. This is why she keeps a very specific journal that is as dear to her as is her life.

Non-Mutant Abilities: At a very young age, she was taught to play the piano. She quickly picked it up and is known to play such things as Chopin's Nocturne (full), Moonlight Sonata, Fur Elise, Fantasia, and many many more. Her playing of piano is something that moves her completely, a way for her to release her worries and let the emotions of the music flow through her. This is very clear when she plays.

Personality: Veronica is very determined, yet knows when she should not push further. She is a kind, empathetic person, doing the things she does in life for the well-being of others rather than herself.

Description: Her long hair is raven black, soft as silk. A compliment to her hair is her grey eyes, which when she uses her powers gain a soft purple hue to them. She seems to be a rather small woman, her French heritage showing plainly in her features. Always carrying a book to read, she is often found studying rather than getting involved in extra curricular activities such as sports.

Background: Coming from the country of France, she is a bit reserved about her powers. In France, they enacted a Mutant Registration Act much like the US. Due to this, she was denied her scholarship to University of Nice Sophia Antipolis for a major in Social Sciences and instead was sent to Xavier's University. Her parents didn't seem to care about her being sent away, as they did not even know she was a mutant until tests were ran. At that point, they were happy to be rid of their daughter due to her being 'impure'.

-She is known to play piano (taught from a very young age)
-Has a heavy French accent
-Learned English at an early age due to her father whom traveled for business to the States often.
Last edited by Veronica Glarette on Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Veronica Glarette
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Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:20 pm

Re: Veronica Glarette

Postby Nailah Weaver » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:14 pm

I'm liking this quite a bit! And the "MRA in France" bit is fine with me.

Approval 1/2

And while I'm here, the time-skip should hopefully happen over the weekend, possibly next week if we can't get thing wrapped up fast enough for some reason.
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Re: Veronica Glarette

Postby Samantha McManus » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:15 pm

I'll give this Approval 2/2.
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