Nick Varkan

Nick Varkan

Postby Nick Varkan » Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:03 pm

Character Name: Nick Varkan
Codename: Vandal
Country of Origin: United States of America
Hometown: Paterson, New Jersey
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 21
Birthday: December 12
Height: 5'11" ||| Weight: 165 lbs.

Physical Description: Nick is a Caucasian (if a quarter Turkish) male standing at 5’11” and weighing 165 lbs. He has short dark-red hair, a short beard, and blue eyes. In general he wears dark, warm colors... or rock band t-shirts. He also usually wears a leather jacket, usually unzipped.

Personality: Nick is stubborn and sometimes irritable, but quick to defend his friends and always ready to fight the good fight... or just punch someone who deserves it.

Power Explanation:
— Telekinetic Blast - He can throw a high-vibrational blast wave pushed forward in a cone of force. Produces a low rumble.
— Telekinetic Flight - He's not as fast as many winged mutants, but it gets him where he needs to go.
— Self-Amplification Aura - Due to infection by the Legacy Virus and subsequent cure, Nick has gained the ability to project an emotionally reactive red aura that increases the potency of his abilities.

Non-Mutant Abilities: A highly skilled guitar player and vocalist. Pretty good mechanic too.

History: Nick was born to single mother Claudia Varkan. The father, a mutant named Johnathan Asters, walked away when she got pregnant. Claudia later married local police officer James Croyden. Things seemed good with James for a while, but when Nick was 10 years old he walked in on his stepfather hitting his mother. This continued unchecked and with every year Nick became angrier and more rebellious at school. Detention, suspension; the works.

Then his powers surfaced and he waited for the day he’d knock his stepfather on his ass and show his mother that he could protect her from him. She could be free. But… that wasn’t how it played out. Nick’s stepfather was once again hitting his wife. Nick used his powers to knock him away. James fell through the porch window and started to bleed from his cuts. The look she gave her own son at that moment, was as if she were looking at the devil himself. She went to James, who at that point was going for his rifle. Nick ran from the house, stole his step-fathers motorcycle, and skipped town to flee to the Xavier Institute. Years later he managed to enroll at Xavier's London University.

While at XU, Nick has bravely helped to save the world on more than one occasion. His mother was inspired by this to stand up for herself and leave her abusive husband for good. Nick has also continued to pursue his musical aspirations despite not being able to form a consistent band.

Notable changes:
- None
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Nick Varkan
XU Student
Posts: 2431
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:37 pm

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