Roland Sackville

Roland Sackville

Postby Roland Sackville » Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:33 am

Name: Roland Sackville
Codename: Classified
Age: Classified
Hometown: Classified
Subject: History

Power: Professor Sackville has a relatively minor regenerative ability, with an adaptation function--regenerated bits often times reforming in a way advantageous to the circumstances, though not nearly on the level of, say, a Darwin. That is his primary power. He also has another one.

Non-mutant abilities: Roland has picked up a number of odd skills over the years.

Physical Description: Roland is tall, thin, and immaculately dressed more often than not. He appears frailer than he is, though no one would mistake him for a waif, and there's a glint behind his eyes that can turn cold.

Personality: Easy-going, though, when you get him started, he can end up in full-on-lecture mode without too much of an issue. Enjoys sharing his knowledge.

Backstory: That would be telling. Find out! Search for cluuuuuues

Retcons: None

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Roland Sackville
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:47 pm

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