Setting: Dorms

Archived threads from the London Campus.

Setting: Dorms

Postby Narrator » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:26 pm

The Dorms are two towers, set near to each other with a small lawn and commons building between them. The dorm towers rise nine stories each, and the commons room is a single story building. Each dorm building has a small cafeteria for students who need to catch a quick bite of food, but they are not nearly large enough for the entire population of the building. Most students will be eating at the central dining hall. The main advantage of the dorm cafeterias is that they have extremely extended hours. Staff will be there from 6am to 11pm, every day, and the cafeteria room itself is open 24 hours a day, with cold sandwiches and leftovers for students who have strange schedules or simply get hungry late at night.

Each dorm has a plaque and a sculpture commemorating the sacrifice of the mutant for whom the dorm is named.

John Proudstar, who died in battle fighting Count Nefaria, and Kevin Sydney, who sacrificed his life while acting as a body double for Charles Xavier.
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