
Characters from before the Big Event in space. Some details may differ from current versions of these characters, but they are preserved here for reference.


Postby Primus » Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:59 pm

Name: Primus (Temporary Child Name)
Codename: None Yet
Country of Origin: Germany by birth, currently being raised in England
Age: 4

Power Description: Primus's power is unknown as of yet, but he does have a fairly pronounced physical mutation. Like his father, Primus's eyes glow with an inner radiance, and his bodily fluids do as well. Like his mother, his hands have a second thumb instead of a pinkie. His skin is dark, but not light absorbing like his father's.

History: Primus was born in Berlin to Binary, as part of an arranged project to have a child with Lumis. Since then his upbringing has been extremely structured. However, Binary has found that she is more emotionally involved with her son and time with his father tends to be far more fun oriented. He's currently in preschool, dominating his play group by force of personality.

Physical Description: Other than his obvious physical mutation, Primus is a fairly normal four year old boy. He has short hair, and wears designer clothes.
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