Janice "Calamity" Gilbertson

Characters from before the Big Event in space. Some details may differ from current versions of these characters, but they are preserved here for reference.

Janice "Calamity" Gilbertson

Postby Janice Gilbertson » Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:32 pm

Name: Janice "Calamity" Gilbertson

Age: 18

Power: For most girls, seeing the boys falling all over themselves because of you is a good thing. Janice however would prefer that they didn't go tumbling straight into the wall. Janice has minor control over probability. Though she's gotten skilled enough that it very rarely goes off on its own, she's limited to localized enforcement of Murphy's Law. Things break around her, people trip, misjudge distances, slip on wet things they hadn't spotted, and so forth. It takes a fair bit of concentration for her to actually target this power, and even then she can't control how the accidents manifest.

Personality: Janice means well enough, but the awkwardness of her powers ensure that, much to her dismay, she rarely gets to do anything "cool" with them. She wouldn't mind attention, but she's learned that usually what she gets is the bad kind. As a result, she keeps to herself and doesn't use her powers if she can help it.

Description: 5' 8", slender and a bit boyish. Sandy blonde hair in a ponytail and horn-rimmed glasses. Tends to dress in button-down shirts and corduroys.

Background: When Janice found out she was a mutant, she was ecstatic. She'd heard of the X-Men and suddenly there was something about her that wasn't gawky or clumsy, but genuinely special. Unfortunately she was stuck in London, and traveling overseas to Xavier's Institute was out of the question. Her parents were fine with the basic power tutoring she got from the staff at the London X-Corporation offices, if only because it meant she didn't break as many things. However, it was becoming readily apparent that X-Men material she wasn't.

A glimmer of hope ignited when XLU opened. Though she wasn't about to kid herself about getting on the teams, this was at least close enough to home that she thought she could convince her parents to let her enroll. They did, though it was pulling teeth.

Ultimately, they hope she'll grow out of it.
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Janice Gilbertson
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Re: Janice "Calamity" Gilbertson

Postby Michael Asters » Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:51 pm

I'm cool with it. *mod stamp of approval #1*
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Re: Janice "Calamity" Gilbertson

Postby Amanda Weinrich » Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:52 pm

I dig it.

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Re: Janice "Calamity" Gilbertson

Postby Madison West » Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:52 pm

I hate it. >(

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