Vincent "Morpheus" Lawrence

Characters from before the Big Event in space. Some details may differ from current versions of these characters, but they are preserved here for reference.

Vincent "Morpheus" Lawrence

Postby Vincent Taylor » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:19 pm

Name: Vincent “Morpheus” Lawrence
Age: 19

Powers: Psychic manifestation – he possesses telepathy and telekinesis on a limited form naturally. He is able to turn into psychic energy, greatly enhancing his abilities for one of the following purposes:
Active psychic link: He can act as an active psychic link for anyone in a ten yard area when the link begins. Once the link is established, he remains connected with those he links with regardless of distance.
Dream manipulation: He can connect with one person and control their sensory inputs, creating "waking dreams". The person will either act as if they are ‘in’ the hallucination, or they will remain motionless, depending on what effect he wants to create. He can also touch the mind to affect a person's wakefulness, bringing them into or out of sleep (though he cannot affect fatigue or their need to rest). While a person is asleep, he is capable of completely manipulating their dreams, although his effectiveness depends entirely on his experience and concentration.
Telekinetic blasts: He can exert massive telekinetic force while disembodied. He is only able to sustain the telekinetic force for a very limited time before his power is exhausted.

All of his manifestations require him to recollect his power within any human mind for varying amounts of time (telepathic manifestations require very little recollecting time, telekinetic manifestations requiring more). While recollecting, he is able to communicate with his host mind, and even manifest himself as a psychic hallucination until he can reform physically. His psychic powers so far never give him active access to people’s memories. His codename is derived from a tendency to unconsciously merge into other people’s dreams while he’s resting.

Personality: Vincent seems easygoing and easy to get along with. He has a tendency of playing nice with people, only to turn around and not have any scruples about using his ability to, say, get the access codes to a building so that he can get in for his own purposes.

History: Vincent was raised in foster care, and has found details about his birth parents to be impossible to uncover. He fell out of the system when his mutation developed, since disappearing in a telekinetic explosion tends to make people assume you’re dead. He spent a while drifting, inhabiting people’s minds, ‘appropriating’ things he needed to get by very comfortably, before he registered as a ping on X-Corp’s radar, so to speak. His powers were tested after they took him in, and he showed enough promise that, after finishing his high school courses, they sent him to Xavier’s in London for further training.

Physical Description: Vincent is 6’, with a slim, fit build. He has sandy blonde hair that is constantly put into a different style, though usually kept at a short-to-medium length, and piercing blue eyes.
Last edited by Vincent Taylor on Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Vincent Taylor
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Re: Vincent "Dreamer" Lawrence

Postby Domanic Taylor » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:42 pm

I'm cool with this, though I want there to be more definition on what happens when he goes into someone's head, because depending on how that works I can see it being un-fun for the players involved.
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Re: Vincent "Dreamer" Lawrence

Postby Vincent Taylor » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:56 pm

Okay. Well, when he's collecting, he's just sort of there for the early stages. he can talk to them, and they can see him like he's walking around with them, but they do get a sort of 'in the mind' feeling that keeps them remembering that no, he isn't physically there. If he "exploded" (did the telekinetic thing), then after at least a half hour of reforming, he can easily swap out to other people's minds if the person he's in wants him gone, it'll just set back his reforming a little bit. Unless he's actively giving people hallucinations, that's pretty much the effect he has when he's being a ride-along in people's minds. He's sort of walled off from their mind. He can get sensory input through them, but can't hear their thoughts unless he gets then to think to him.

In other words, I'm trying not to make this a "he's in there and he owns you" deal.
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Re: Vincent "Dreamer" Lawrence

Postby Domanic Taylor » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:57 pm

That's cool. As long as there's no big mind control or freaky lifeforce drain I'm good to go w/ this.

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Re: Vincent "Dreamer" Lawrence

Postby Amanda Weinrich » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:02 pm

Sounds good to me.

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