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Keahi Nimar-Davis "Firecat"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:22 pm
by Keahi Nimar-Davis
Name: Keahi Nimar-Davis
Codename: Firecat
Current Position: Headmistress and Literature Teacher
Country of Origin: North America
Age: 30's

Power Explanation: Keahi is not a natural mutant unlike most students at Xavier's. She is the product of feline/human genetic experimentation. She has low level empathic abilities with humans, similar to those of any house pet. She also has empathic and telepathic abilities with felines. Keahi is a shape shifter and is limited to feline forms. Her usual from resembles that of a human and feline cross. Her chosen alternate forms are house cat, leopard and tiger, though she has found that given ample study time with any feline she can take that species' shape. She had been declawed as a small child, but through medical science she's had them replaced. She has hightened senses, agility and flexibility. Also, she possesses above normal human strength and speed.

History: Keahi was found liveing on the streets of Anchorage by Logan 10 years after he and the other X-men successfully "closed" the science facility that had been her home. She was brought to Xavier's where she became a reluctant member of the student body. Because of her treatment as a child at the science facilty and haveing lived on the streets most of her life, Keahi was very slow to trust people. Logan and Dr. McCoy were the only people she trusted out right, Logan because she recognized his scent from the facility when he and the others were there and Hank simply because he was furry like she was. To this day she is still skittish around all doctors other than Hank. Over time she's overcome her shyness and her near crippleing fear. She's still cautious around new people and quiet when she's in company of strangers.

Now: Keahi is married to Nathaniel Davis, is the proud mother of three, twins, Tala and Logan and Colin. She is happy and busy teaching Literature, finishing her literary doctorate and acting as Headmistress at Xavier's Institute.

Physical Description: Keahi is small framed and built like a gymnast. Her eyes and hair are darker brown then her body, which is covered in short dark brown soft fur. In the beginning of her school year Keahi's fur pattern resembled that of a typical striped tabby cat, both in her natural state human forma and in her shifted feline form. Over time with the success of new forms Keahi's fur pattern and color have changed. She is now dark brown with a combination of darker brown/black tiger strips and leopard spots.

Re: Keahi Nimar-Davis "Firecat"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:35 pm
by Ryan Gabriel
More nepotism FTW!

[Approval 1/2]

Re: Keahi Nimar-Davis "Firecat"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:08 pm
by Will Stanton
Like the newmod could turn this down :P

Approval 2/2