(Nate's Slot 3/6) Robyn Delaney

(Nate's Slot 3/6) Robyn Delaney

Postby Robyn Delaney » Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:08 pm

Name: Robyn Delaney
Age: 19

Power: Robyn is a specialized telepath. Her mutation allows her to project psychic constructs of the fears of others. Unless she expends a lot of effort, the constructs aren't capable of causing direct physical harm, though they may caused perceived harm to the person who fears the construct (illusory wounds, etc.). Her power also comes with a downside. The more effort she puts into the construct, the more her physical form becomes insubstantial, disappearing almost entirely in order to make the construct have physical impact. The construct can never have more physical impact than her own personal physical strength. The construct is manifested psychic energy and as such is suceptible to telepathic and Astral attacks.

Robyn also possesses some of the standard telepath attributes of astral projection (though this has a bad tendency to cause her body to fade as well) and surface thought reading. She might have more potential along that path, but she was taught more about control and containment than exercising the limits due to her ability's drawback and tendency to terrify at least one person.

Personality: Robyn is something of a philosopher at heart. She tends to focus more on the intangibles or mystical elements in any situation.

Description: Robyn is obviously of Irish descent and her looks are more akin to the Irish Travellers to anyone who is familiar with them. She has red-brown hair and brown-eyes with freckles on her cheeks. She's on the short side of average with her only other notable feature being slender fingers.

Background: Robyn was born and raised an Irish Traveller until her powers emerged at 13. Kicked out of her clan and on the streets, she was rescued by a kind social worker and taken in. She bounced around from foster home to foster home for a year before ending up at a boarding school for mutants on the continent. Given her continuing issues with her power, she was encouraged to go to the University after her stint in boarding school was over.

Other Notable Skills: Speaks Shelta (albeit somewhat rustily). Learned a few tricks from living on the street.
Last edited by Robyn Delaney on Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Robyn Delaney
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Re: (Nate's Slot 5/6) Robyn Delaney

Postby Will Stanton » Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:20 pm


Approval 1/2
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Re: (Nate's Slot 5/6) Robyn Delaney

Postby Samantha McManus » Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:51 am

Apologies for the delay, but I'm happy to grant Approval 2/2.
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