Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

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Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Regan Rourke » Fri May 23, 2014 12:40 am

The summoning circle brought the kids to the front of a large cathedral. It was a gothic-style structure, with huge arches and pillars made of shining black stone. Red light filtered through stained-glass windows featuring gruesome scenes of the torture and slaughter of human beings by monstrous demons.

The sort of monstrous demons that were staring at the kids in shock.

The kids were standing at the altar, in front of a very surprised Regan, wearing a lacy and formal looking white dress that was now covered in gore and ichor. They also seemed to be standing in what remained of the groom.

Regan glanced at the demons sitting in the pews. Then she looked back at her classmates.

"Take them alive," Regan says coldly, as a group of guards advance on the group. "I have questions."
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kay Haddock » Fri May 23, 2014 1:08 am

"What the heck! Regan!?" Kay says, trying to stand up and immediately slipping in god knows what, probably demon liver or something, and falling on her ass.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Brigid Plunder » Fri May 23, 2014 1:08 am

Brigid looks around her, then down to what she's standing in.

" suck Haley!"
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Calvin Strong » Fri May 23, 2014 6:41 am

The first thing Cal thought was that hey, at least they weren't on the astral where he was a robot anymore.

The second thought he had, he said out loud. "You know, I love saying 'I told you so,' but this takes the fun out of it."
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Fri May 23, 2014 6:49 am

Alex didn't waste any time. He didn't think about how much the astral sucked, he didn't think about all the crap happening lately. There were a bunch of nasties incoming, and dammit, he was born for this. "Bring it, assholes," he said, a steel foot planted in the ichor as he looked around, sizing up the (admittedly terrifying) demons and looking for other metal around hat he could bulk up with.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Miranda Weaver » Fri May 23, 2014 8:20 am

Miranda, meanwhile was less than useless. She sank to the floor, rocking and muttering to herself briefly before she passed out.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Steve Jones » Fri May 23, 2014 10:06 am

Steve managed to get up and cast Haley a disbelieving look.

'You actually listened to it, didn't you?' he mindspoke to her.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Regan Rourke » Fri May 23, 2014 3:49 pm

The crowd of demons attending the wedding began screeching for blood. A half-dozen guards lumbered towards the group, heavy footsteps echoing throughout the cathedral.

As the guards advanced, Regan turned her back and began ascending the stairs, walking towards an empty throne with her soulblade in hand.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Fri May 23, 2014 3:57 pm

Okay, there's your answer. Those guys have enough armor to make a whole new me with. In truth, Alex was terrified. A fact readily apparent to anyone with telepathy, a spiritual link to him, or enough observation to hear the rapid metallic sound of his shaky legs (and feet) against the ground. But this was enough like those weird dreams he'd had to make him feel a LITTLE bit on his game, and plus he didn't see much of another choice as the guards came at them.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Calvin Strong » Fri May 23, 2014 4:01 pm

"So, ah, it looks like we're in the wrong place here, so, um, what do you all say we just go and you... Well, clean this guy up...?"
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kay Haddock » Fri May 23, 2014 4:09 pm

"Where are we? Regan, what the hell is going on!?" Kay says, trying to back away from the giant demons while moving towards Regan. For some reason she seemed to be giving the orders so she could order the guards to stand down, right?
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Brigid Plunder » Fri May 23, 2014 4:26 pm

"Yeah, how about no?" Brigid says, gritting her teeth and snatching up a splintered bone from the... er... mess.

Her arm is a blur as she whips the bone at the cleft in one of the demons' helmets.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Haley Crusek » Fri May 23, 2014 5:12 pm

"Shut the fuck up, Steve!" she screamed. "Bigger problems!" Haley began focusing getting ready to unleash all of the power she could manage. The air around everyone vibrated with energy.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Calvin Strong » Fri May 23, 2014 5:38 pm

Keep it cool a minute, babe, Cal thought as he kept sizing up the situation. This looks... messy. Don't blow your cap too soon.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Steve Jones » Fri May 23, 2014 6:53 pm

Steve flinched from being screamed at, then truly took note of the demons and gulped.

We are so screwed.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Haley Crusek » Sat May 24, 2014 9:23 am

I don't fucking trust anyone anymore...

Haley glared at one of the advancing demons, eyes narrowed, and just ...squeezed, trying to crush it in its own armor.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Sat May 24, 2014 2:48 pm

Alex charged at the closest demon, putting all his weight into a punch to its gut (since he couldn't reach its face). He needed it immobilized, just for a second, just so he could get synced with its armor. The more he could suck in, the bigger he was, and the more he could do to protect his friends.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Steve Jones » Sat May 24, 2014 3:38 pm

Steve fought desperately against his growing fears. There had to be something he could do.

Demons have minds. Maybe I can... wasn't emotion how I beat Scream Queen? So what against demons?

Literally praying his idea would accomplish something, he raised an arm while projecting the image of a brightly glowing cross of pure light in his grasp. He pushed into it all of his faith in a higher power that wages war on the forces of darkness. The shape was merely how he visualized this. The will is what's important.

I do not fear the darkness. You should fear the light.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kayla Turnbull » Sat May 24, 2014 8:19 pm

More out of instinct then planning, Kayla closed her eyes, casting out her psychic net on a all the sentient beings present, gathering up a portion of their untapped psychic potential, and drawing it to herself..

Her eyes opened, flashing blue from the influx of power. She rose into the air, breathing deeply before launching herself with a scream towards the demons closest to Regan.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Regan Rourke » Sat May 24, 2014 9:58 pm

Kay Haddock wrote:"Where are we? Regan, what the hell is going on!?" Kay says, trying to back away from the giant demons while moving towards Regan. For some reason she seemed to be giving the orders so she could order the guards to stand down, right?

Regan ignores Kay and the ongoing chaos. As she reaches the throne, she kneels down on one knee. A nervous looking, slender demon in strange vestments approaches warily holding a crown.

As Kay backs away from the oncoming demons, a ghostly looking ball of light rises out of the floor and hovers at Kay’s side.

Then it barks. It sounds happy.

Brigid Plunder wrote:"Yeah, how about no?" Brigid says, gritting her teeth and snatching up a splintered bone from the... er... mess.

Her arm is a blur as she whips the bone at the cleft in one of the demons' helmets.

The demon guards are slow and clumsy, and Brigid is awesome. The bone stabs through the weak spot of the helmet and the demon roars in pain, stumbling backwards.

Haley Crusek wrote:I don't fucking trust anyone anymore...

Haley glared at one of the advancing demons, eyes narrowed, and just ...squeezed, trying to crush it in its own armor.

The thing was strong, Haley’s efforts were slowing its approach, but it was harder to crush than she might think. The armor crumpled and dug into the thing’s skin and it screeched in pain, but it kept advancing.

Alex Carpenter wrote:Alex charged at the closest demon, putting all his weight into a punch to its gut (since he couldn't reach its face). He needed it immobilized, just for a second, just so he could get synced with its armor. The more he could suck in, the bigger he was, and the more he could do to protect his friends.

The hit gave it pause for a moment. Alex would have less than a second to sync up as it raises its weapon and brings it down on him with demonic strength.

Steve Jones wrote:Literally praying his idea would accomplish something, he raised an arm while projecting the image of a brightly glowing cross of pure light in his grasp. He pushed into it all of his faith in a higher power that wages war on the forces of darkness. The shape was merely how he visualized this. The will is what's important.

I do not fear the darkness. You should fear the light.

The demons in the pews screech in an awful chorus and shrink away from Steve, effectively keeping the students from being charged from hundreds of angry demons. It doesn’t seem to have much effect on the guards though. There’s something about the helmets they’re wearing that seem to be blocking Steve.

Kayla Turnbull wrote:More out of instinct then planning, Kayla closed her eyes, casting out her psychic net on a all the sentient beings present, gathering up a portion of their untapped psychic potential, and drawing it to herself..

Her eyes opened, flashing blue from the influx of power. She rose into the air, breathing deeply before launching herself with a scream towards the demons closest to Regan.

Kayla charges into the demonic priest and throws him into the wall. He’s not much of a heavy hitter, so this would knock him unconscious instantly.

The crown goes flying high in air. As it comes back down, Regan reaches out and snatches it. With a smirk, she puts it on her head.

“Long live the queen,” Regan says.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kay Haddock » Sat May 24, 2014 10:04 pm

"What the... Are you a ghost dog?" Kay blinks. Among all the chaos and demons, this seems almost the strangest, just due to how of place it seems. She reaches out try and 'pet' the ball of light.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kayla Turnbull » Sat May 24, 2014 10:14 pm

Regan Rourke wrote:“Long live the queen,” Regan says.

Kayla laughed loudly, after seeing Regan's self-important spectacle.

"A queen? C'mon. You rate a honorable mention, maybe. probably not even miss congeniality."
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Regan Rourke » Sat May 24, 2014 10:45 pm

Kay Haddock wrote:"What the... Are you a ghost dog?" Kay blinks. Among all the chaos and demons, this seems almost the strangest, just due to how of place it seems. She reaches out try and 'pet' the ball of light.

The light forms into the ghostly form of a dumb and happy looking Australian Shepherd. Kay's hand goes right through him, but he doesn't seem to notice. He wags his tail happily.

Kayla Turnbull wrote:Kayla laughed loudly, after seeing Regan's self-important spectacle.

"A queen? C'mon. You rate a honorable mention, maybe. probably not even miss congeniality."

"Sorry? I didn't catch that," Regan says. She lifts her soulblade and rests it on her shoulders. "I have this weird condition from the whole 'demonic-ghost entity' deal. It's complicated, but basically I can't hear it when whores talk."

"Do you know sign language?"
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Sat May 24, 2014 11:05 pm

"...Ow..." Alex groaned from the ground, where he'd been rather forcefully smashed. Size isn't... just for show... okay...
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kay Haddock » Sun May 25, 2014 12:25 am

Regan Rourke wrote:The light forms into the ghostly form of a dumb and happy looking Australian Shepherd. Kay's hand goes right through him, but he doesn't seem to notice. He wags his tail happily.

Why is there a ghost dog here? This makes no sense...

"Did you get lost too? Do you, like, belong to somebody?" she says, strangely calm despite the chaos surrounding her. She might be a little bit shell-shocked and turning towards the most normal thing around. Even if that's a ghost dog.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Sun May 25, 2014 1:07 am

Alex, in the meantime, was trying to give his own guard problems. He might be smashed onto the ground, but he still started trying to absorb the thing's sword. And, by contact, the thing's armor.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kayla Turnbull » Sun May 25, 2014 1:27 am

"Do I know sign language?"

She drove her hand into the back of the demon priest's back with a blade of raw TK energy, attempting to snap it's lower spine.

"I believe that means 'you're fucked'."
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Steve Jones » Sun May 25, 2014 9:42 am

"Go for their helmets! I think they're blocking me somehow!" Steve shouted, his limited success strengthening his resolve.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Haley Crusek » Sun May 25, 2014 9:20 pm

Haley's eyes narrowed in frustration as her first tactic didn't seem to be doing anything, so she instead tried yanking the helmets off the things one by one, being not even remotely mindful of the things faces, hair, or spinal cords.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Regan Rourke » Mon May 26, 2014 12:20 am

Kay Haddock wrote:
Regan Rourke wrote:The light forms into the ghostly form of a dumb and happy looking Australian Shepherd. Kay's hand goes right through him, but he doesn't seem to notice. He wags his tail happily.

Why is there a ghost dog here? This makes no sense...

"Did you get lost too? Do you, like, belong to somebody?" she says, strangely calm despite the chaos surrounding her. She might be a little bit shell-shocked and turning towards the most normal thing around. Even if that's a ghost dog.

If Kay checks his collar, she'll see a tag with a name, "Sunshine Sparkles". As she's trying to solve the mystery of the non-samurai ghost dog, the dog growls at an approaching guard. The guard hesitates, keeping his distance.

Alex Carpenter wrote:Alex, in the meantime, was trying to give his own guard problems. He might be smashed onto the ground, but he still started trying to absorb the thing's sword. And, by contact, the thing's armor.

The guard struggles to free its weapon from Alex's grasp, who is starting to become big and strong enough to offer the demon significant resistance.

Kayla Turnbull wrote:"Do I know sign language?"

She drove her hand into the back of the demon priest's back with a blade of raw TK energy, attempting to snap it's lower spine.

"I believe that means 'you're fucked'."

Kayla punches right through the priest's back. As with most priests, he's actually not that much of a fighter and offers about as much resistance as any other old man who spent his life studying complex demon theology.

"Uncool," Regan says, with mock sincerity. "He was only two years away from retirement. Now who's going to raise his kids?"

"Poor guy."

Steve Jones wrote:"Go for their helmets! I think they're blocking me somehow!" Steve shouted, his limited success strengthening his resolve.

Resolve was a good thing! A few of the weaker looking demons in the crowd suddenly burst into flames!

Their friends looked very concerned. And terrified. Several started exiting the cathedral in a panicked fashion.

Haley Crusek wrote:Haley's eyes narrowed in frustration as her first tactic didn't seem to be doing anything, so she instead tried yanking the helmets off the things one by one, being not even remotely mindful of the things faces, hair, or spinal cords.

This was difficult, subtle work that would take her a bit, but she did manage to rip the helmet off of one of the guards.

Most of his head came with it, so Steve's effect on it was probably a moot point.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kay Haddock » Mon May 26, 2014 2:26 am

Regan Rourke wrote:If Kay checks his collar, she'll see a tag with a name, "Sunshine Sparkles". As she's trying to solve the mystery of the non-samurai ghost dog, the dog growls at an approaching guard. The guard hesitates, keeping his distance.

"Good dog, Sunshine! You show those assholes who's boss!" she says, sticking her tongue out at the demon guard.

"Regan, why is there a ghost dog here?"
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Mon May 26, 2014 2:40 am

"Every princess needs a pet," Alex grunted, wrestling his way to his feet. On an impulse, he shifted his focus on the armor to making it erupt inward at the demon.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Haley Crusek » Mon May 26, 2014 7:52 pm

"Fuck subtlety. Die motherfuckers!" Haley roared, a corona of psionic energy forming around her as she just slammed every ounce of her power into a blast directed at one of the demons not currently running.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kayla Turnbull » Mon May 26, 2014 8:00 pm

Regan Rourke wrote:"Poor Guy."

"Poor You."

Kayla stood up purposely, running the back of her hand across her face and tongue, leaving a trail of demon blood. She then strode towards Regan, smiling.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Calvin Strong » Mon May 26, 2014 11:58 pm

Cal sighed, and since it was what all the cool kids were doing, loosed a lightning bolt at the demon along with Haley.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Brigid Plunder » Tue May 27, 2014 12:36 pm

Brigid jumps at the demon she wedged the bone in the helmet of, and tries to climb up its armor, aiming to slam her fist into the shard of bone to ram it home.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Regan Rourke » Tue May 27, 2014 8:10 pm

Kay Haddock wrote:"Good dog, Sunshine! You show those assholes who's boss!" she says, sticking her tongue out at the demon guard.

"Regan, why is there a ghost dog here?"

"He must like you," Regan says. She floats off the ground and starts coming down the steps towards the rest of the group as they fought back the demon guards. "What's been going on? I haven't seen you in forever."

As usual, Regan seemed to neither notice or care about the problems she had caused.

Alex Carpenter wrote:"Every princess needs a pet," Alex grunted, wrestling his way to his feet. On an impulse, he shifted his focus on the armor to making it erupt inward at the demon.

The demon was tough, but not tougher then the armor. I mean, that's kind of the point of armor. The crushing force crippled the demon guard and it toppled over.

Haley Crusek wrote:"Fuck subtlety. Die motherfuckers!" Haley roared, a corona of psionic energy forming around her as she just slammed every ounce of her power into a blast directed at one of the demons not currently running.

Calvin Strong wrote:Cal sighed, and since it was what all the cool kids were doing, loosed a lightning bolt at the demon along with Haley.

Calvin's blast fried the thing nice and toasty while Haley's blast knocked the demon guard's into the air and out of a window depicting someone in what appeared to be Japanese rope bondage. Only with barbed wire instead of rope. Gross.

Also there was a Wilhelm scream. There's always a Wilhelm scream.

Brigid Plunder wrote:Brigid jumps at the demon she wedged the bone in the helmet of, and tries to climb up its armor, aiming to slam her fist into the shard of bone to ram it home.

The guard's aren't particularly agile and it mostly tried to flail around uselessly and shake Brigid off. Until she drove a bone through it's head. Then it just sort of stumbled around for a moment before toppling over.

They don't make demon guards like they used to.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Alex Carpenter » Tue May 27, 2014 8:14 pm

"You know," Alex shouted, his voice weird and echoey as he bulked up from the thing's armor, a kind of righteous annoyance bordering on anger flashing through him, "We're kind of at risk of death here, you want to tell us what the fucking score is, Regan?" He charged at the next guard, bringing a much more powerful blow in against the thing to try to drive it to the ground.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Steve Jones » Tue May 27, 2014 8:58 pm

"If she even is Regan anymore," Steve said, warding off any demons trying to get close.
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Re: Limbo 2.0: How Low Can You Go?

Postby Kay Haddock » Tue May 27, 2014 10:36 pm

Regan Rourke wrote:"He must like you," Regan says. She floats off the ground and starts coming down the steps towards the rest of the group as they fought back the demon guards. "What's been going on? I haven't seen you in forever."

As usual, Regan seemed to neither notice or care about the problems she had caused.

"Oh I dunno, wondering where the hell you went, getting sucked into hell, seeing you turned into some kinda demon queen?" she says, looking pissed. Well, as pissed as Kay can look while petting a ghost dog, which is to say not very.
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