Anna Raven

Characters from before the Big Event in space. Some details may differ from current versions of these characters, but they are preserved here for reference.

Anna Raven

Postby Anna Raven » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:14 am

Name: Anna Raven
Age: 17

Power: Anna shares several powers with her sister, but only one of them can be using each of them at a time. At any given time, they can have split between them: Super strength, flight, teleportation, and phasing. Each of them can only have two of those powers active at a time, and transfer them between each other through touch. Either of them can also possess a limited form of telepathy, but they will without variation be using it to maintain their constant mind link. They can also transfer memories instantaneously through physical contact.

Personality: Anna acts like a copy of her twin, Marie. There practically no difference between them. They are, together, sarcastic and superior, as well as rather devil-may-care about rules and other such minor inconveniences that other people try to make them follow.

History: Anna and Marie were raised in a tiny suburb in Tennessee. Identical in every way, the girls were as close as could be. They even seemed to share a special bond. They seemed to be able to tell what the other was thinking or feeling. And no matter how they were separated, they could always find each other with pinpoint accuracy.

They were raised by a single mother. The only thing their dad left them was their names. Before he left he gave one of them a first name and one of them a last name. It was the only difference between the two as far as most people could tell.

The link between the two was identified as a mutant ability very early. Some sort of psychic bond between the two that let them share everything. Every experience, thought and memory moved back and forth. Blending together.

Their lives were fairly quiet and normal. Nothing really changed until they got into high school when another student witnessed them using some of their shared abilities. Talking the two into using their abilities to profit, they learned how to use their mutant powers to sneak and steal.

They were good at keeping secrets. So good that only the three of them knew about their abilities.

Then one day their mother disappeared. The two woke up to an empty house, abandoned for a second time. For over a month, they continued to live on their own. Not telling anyone they were alone.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t keep the lie going forever. They were reported to Child Services by a curious neighbor. Tagged as mutants once they entered the system, X-Corp was given guardianship of the two and they were placed in Xavier’s University.
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Anna Raven
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Re: Anna Raven

Postby Madison West » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:17 am

Looks good to me.

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Re: Anna Raven

Postby Samantha McManus » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:38 am


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