Eyes Opened- Nice, France

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Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:16 am

She jumped awake, rubbing at her eyes and looking around confused. There was yelling. But why? Her brows furrowed at she looked at the time. Nine in the morning. She was late for school! She was never late! What had happened? Her eyes wildly looked around her room, specifically towards her nightstand, reaching to pick up her alarm clock. A pause...the alarm clock wasn't there. She checked under the bed, around the floor...nothing. Where did it go? This didn't make any sense- unless maybe her mother or father had moved it? Rubbing more at her eyes, she moved to make her bed, carefully folding the sheets in a precise, almost OCD like manner. The yelling continued, causing her to pause again. Her parents seemed to be arguing, but she was unsure why. Slowly, she moved to her door and put her ear against it, listening.

"....from my side? Don't be ridiculous! There is no way she caught this from me." Her mother's voice urged.

"My side has never come across something like this. It was not from myself, either. Do you think maybe she caught it in school? Or on the streets? You know she goes on walks often at the shore. Who knows what she picked up there?" Said her father, his tone full of anger.

"It's the only logical explanaition." An audible sigh. "I'll give her school a call and explain this. Probably the University too. Are we even safe here in our home, Christophe?"

"We will be. I promise you." He still sounded angry, bordering on a rage, it seemed.

At this point, Veronica pulled away from the door, confused. This didn't make sense. Had she caught something? Normally, she had never been sick. What was wrong? The visit to the doctor was a routine check-up, save for the blood test. What if she had a disease? This frightened her. She went to open the door, finding it locked. Blinking a few times, she tried harder to open it, then concentrated, holding the door knob and closed her eyes.

A key. A man's hands- her father's. In one hand he had her alarm clock, in the other he was locking the door.

She opened her eyes, the soft purple hue emanating from her grey iris'. Why? Why had he done this? More and more, Veronica grew increasingly concerned and paranoid at the situation. Suddenly, she heard her father's footsteps pounding down the hallway towards her room. She knew those kinds of steps well, and backed away from the door, taking a seat on the bed, clasping her hands in front of her, eyes on the floor, a trained reaction. Hearing the key in the door's lock, a click sounded and the door burst open. She could see from the corner of her eyes that his face was beat red- a normal reaction he had when angry. Keeping quiet, she merely listened.

"You're awake. Good. You have some explaining to do." He said with an increasingly cruel tone.

Keeping her eyes low, she spoke up softly, the statement only confusing her more. "Father, I don't underst-"

She was cut off short as he raised his voice. "What in God's name are you?"

That question stood for a long moment, causing her to freeze with confusion and hurt. Never before had she heard her father speak to her like this. Yes, he was strict and harsh, but to hear him ask such a question, it tore at her. "Father...I...I don't..."

Again, she was cut short, his voice rising above her own. "Don't you ever call me that again. What the hell are you? Why have my wife and I received a report that you are a...a..." As he angrily spoke, spit flew about, a clear sign he was about to snap as he tried to find the word. "...mutant?"

At that, Veronica's heart felt as if it stopped. She was completely, and utterly speechless now. The blood test...the "routine" visit to the doctor that she and her friends had to do...she connected the dots and it all suddenly made sense. It wasn't to check up on them. It was to test them. Her face went grey. She had never told *anyone* about what she could do. Ever. It was the only explanation. She was caught like a timid rabbit in a bear trap, frozen with fear of what would happen and hurt that her father was reacting in such a way.

He stared down at her, as if she was the lowest thing on earth, even lower than dirt. She could feel it, and it made everything that much worse. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. He spoke again. "How long?"

"I...since...since I can remember. Father I was born-" She felt a harsh jolt across her face, his hand drawing back after striking her.

"I told you..." He said in the most hateful tone she had ever heard come from him. "Do. Not. Call. Me. That. Again."

Though she didn't hear his words. At his hit, the world went black and she was standing at his place of work, looking over one of the female employees. She appeared...indecent, and she could only guess that by what was going on before her, that she was in the body of her father. As quickly as she could, she tried to force the image away, but not before the woman spoke in a playful, mocking manner. "Do not toy with me, Christophe, lest I tell your wife what you've been doing..."

The world flashed back before her at another jolt, this time harder. She could taste blood, and was now curled into the fetal position on the floor. These flashes had happened before, and she could only assume by her father's reaction that she had spoke those words out loud. He stood over her, spitting on her. Holding her face, she heard her mother come running in, she looked up with a pleading expression, as if begging her mother for help. But it never came. Her mother reached across and placed her hand on her husband's shoulder.

"Do not touch it again. You may catch it."

Veronica was speechless. It. No more was she a person in her parent's eyes. No more was she their star. No more did she make them proud with her honor's role, expertise at piano, and kind nature. She was nothing. Her father spoke up again.

"You will pack your things and you will leave this house. The school has been called, and you are not to go back there, lest you infect the other children. I don't want to see you. Hear from you. Hear of you. Look at you. Look at a picture of you. Nothing. You are not our child. You are a freak. If I ever see you around this house again or around my wife, I will see to it you don't walk again. Is that clear?"

The tears were coming. Everything she had ever known, everything she had ever grown to love, cherish, and work towards was crumbling around her. She could say nothing, but nodded. The pain from the split lip was increasing, slowly beginning to swell, but the pain she felt in her heart was stronger.

"Good. You have an hour, then I will be calling the police and telling them there's a burglar." With that, he turned and lead his wife out from the room. Neither of them looked back.

Within an hour, Veronica had packed as many of her things as she could, knowing she would need as much as possible to sell. She had seen the homeless on the streets before, even donating to them when she could. She knew it was going to be tough. However, she held as strong as she could, holding back tears and swallowing her own pride.

Once packed, she left the house, but not before hearing her father say one last thing before her departure.

The simple word cut at her, but she continued, not wanting to chance his wrath again. She had no idea where to go. No idea what to do. Her feet carried her to the only place that she felt she could be safe. The shores. There, she set down her bag and sat in the snow-crusted sand, lowering her head into her arms and beginning to weep. It was cold, but it meant nothing at this moment in time.

She was alone.

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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:58 am

((Days later))
He hated flying under the power of anything else. The Helicarrier didn't count, it had a much different feel to it, almost like he was standing on solid ground. He tolerated the school's jet, too, because he had to, in-flight briefings making it something of a necessity. But there was no way he'd be taking a commercial airline in a flight he could make himself.

The only problem was, of course, that France seemed every bit as touchy as the Unted States, and while he had the papers and clearances to make law enforcement back down, ruffling feathers wasn't in his best interest. So he'd driven down, thinking happy thoughts along the way about that glorious day when he took the time to learn to drive an actual car and could make trips like this with a heater.

The message had been simple enough. He couldn't follow everything, so he encouraged people to link him anything he should see: blogs, twitter posts, online ads, hell, he even got about fifty Craigslist personals forwarded to him each day. With his social media presence, it created a more effective information gathering tool than X-Corp could hope to have. Which resulted in him sending them most of what he found. This one, however, was close enough to him, and from all indications from her blog (unless the translation he'd gotten was deficient) she spoke English as well. So it was time for him to actually make himself useful to the process.

His bike was parked outside, and he sat drinking his coffee, trying not to look like your typical American on vacation. It was the right time, it was the right place. He just had to wait now.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:13 am

((That same day))

It hadn't been easy, but Veronica was slowly working towards getting better. Her lip still had a bit of a nasty split to it, but it wasn't as raw or as painful as it was before. It was her mind that had been hurt the worst. The whole situation was messed up, and she knew it. What her parents did was cruel and inhuman. She still couldn't help but want to reach out to her parents, but she knew that it was futile. She was on her own, and she'd have to learn to live that way.

She had sold a lot of her jewelry, namely her silver diamond necklace that her mother had given her at a young age. It was worthless now. A nice sum was paid for it, and she would have enough money to get pay for at least a week or so. The issue she was facing now, was the fact that her phone needed charged. She made it a habit to visit the Starbucks along the East side of town, purchasing her normal Thés Tazo Earl Grey so they didn't get upset she leeched their Wifi.

This day was really like no other. She bundled her jacket around her tightly, making her way to that coffee shop. At least it was warm there, and the Earl Grey was perfect for this cold weather. Her backpack slung over her shoulder, she slowly made her way into the shop, making sure to wipe off her boots upon entering. These days, she kept her eyes low, worried about people from school recognizing her, or worse- seeing her family. Stepping up to the counter, she ordered her tea, paid, then took a seat in one of the corners near an outlet. There, she plugged her phone in and settle back in the chair, holding the cup near her for extra warmth.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:41 am

He took a drink from his coffee as she took her seat, nothing in his demeanor giving away that he was doing anything other than reading the news on his phone while he drank a coffee. On the screen, though, he thumbed over to the picture he'd gotten. He was pretty sure it was her. It wasn't just the appearance... It was the demeanor. He'd seen people thrown out of their homes over their genes, he knew the helpless determination when he saw it.

Still, there was one way to be sure. He thumbed over to the browser to look her blog entry over again, then clicked to leave a comment.

I'd just like to say that you're incredibly strong to keep pushing through after how you were treated, much less share it with us.

I just have two questions for you. Do you have anything holding you to your hometown?

He hit 'send,' then he waited and watched.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:50 am

As her phone went off, she looked at it, almost in disbelief. She hadn't received an email in quite a long time. Probably just spam. Picking up the phone and keeping it on the charger, she took a slow sip from her tea, a bit of a wince from it touching on her lip, then paused when she read over the email. A comment on her post.

There was no way that way right. She hadn't had a comment in a while now, and those that read her blog had dwindled to three people; all of which she assumed were inactive. Nevertheless, she continued, opening the browser and reading over the comment. She froze. Was this a joke? Perhaps it was a cruel person trying to just run her out of town. Slowly, she began her research of whomever had posted what they did, looking to the username and if there was a link to a profile or blog.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:58 am

She'd find the username linked to Ryan's blog, twitter, and other social media accounts. Even a cursory look at it, if she hadn't followed him before, would tell her several things.

From the tone of his posts, he was extremely pro-mutant, even if she didn't get to any of his entries that referenced his activity as an X-Man.

He was usually very public with his activities, with lots of pictures with friends or at various locations around London or at school, and he was retweeted very often by a huge following. More than likely she'd seen a tweet or two second or third hand, at least.

Third, since his picture was rather prominently posted, she could tell that he was sitting at a table just a little ways away, sipping a coffee.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:03 am

Well this wasn't creepy at all. She looked from her phone, to him, then back at her phone. Regardless of how awkwardly creepy this was, she kept her cool. Not like there was someone (from a different country) who just magically happened to be posting on her blog was sitting in the same establishment. Oh wait. There was. And she had serious doubts this was just coincidence. Major creep factor.

She took another sip before setting the tea down and began typing a comment back.

That was only one question.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:33 am

He didn't seem to look up from his phone, even while he was watching her reflection out of the corner of his eye in the window. So she'd spotted him. Good. The faster they dealt with the awkward creepiness this kind of cold call always had, the better.

And you didn't answer it, either. But if you don't want to, that's all right.

Question two would be if I can actually come over there and do this out loud. Typing across the room makes me feel like some kind of crazy stalker.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:41 am

She weighed her options. It was a public place, it was very likely there were cameras around. This being said, she didn't think he'd do anything stupid. Based on how public of a person he seemed to be, she didn't gauge that he'd throw it all away doing something illegal. He didn't seem that type based on what she saw on his profile.

What she didn't understand was why he was here. Why take the time to single someone out like this? It wasn't just creepy, it was all together strange. None of it made sense. However, none of it would begin to make sense unless she talked to him. Her eyes moved across the establishment, taking note of how many people were there and then settled on the camera behind the counter. Good. That made her feel better. She typed a comment back.

I think you're going to come across as a creepy stalker regardless of how 'this' is done. Keep in mind there is a lovely little camera keeping an eye on this place, so don't try anything unless you plan on it being in the papers.

She hoped that if he had ill intentions, that would deter him. After posting the comment, she pulled out her journal and looked at her watch, proceeding to write down the time.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:51 am

He didn't waste any time pretending to play it like he wasn't waiting for an answer. Nevertheless, he also didn't hurry over. He picked up his coffee, then took a moment to get a refill before he took the seat next to her. "Actually there are three cameras. And they've all gotten a good look at me. But if it makes you feel better, here." He pulled his camera out, snapped a picture, then broadcast it, with a location stamp, saying that he was in Nice on business. "Now... Are we satisfied that I'm far too openly known to be here to be trying anything stupid?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:04 am

Her pen moves across the page before her, jotting down a few notes, including his name. If he catches a glance, he'd be able to see that she actually is writing his description and...strangely...what he's drinking. Looking up from the page, she actually gives a bit of a smile.

"I mean note to be deesrespectfal. It eez simply a praycaution. I would introduce myself, mais, it eez obvious you haf know of my name."

She relaxes back, shutting her journal and listening to him closely, now picking her tea back up. As open as he was about the cameras and broadcasting where he was, she seems to feel much better. In her mind, she believed he must have a reason for wishing to speak to her. Whatever that reason was, she'd listen. It's just who she was.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:08 am

He nodded. "I do. And whatever else about yourself you felt like sharing. Well, some of it. The more recent things, that is. Translation sites are a little tedious to use a lot."

"So... You never answered my question. Is anything keeping you here?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:12 am

Her brows furrowed a bit as she thinks on the answer to that. After a few moments she speaks up again.

"Why eez it you ask zees quaystion to someone you haf only jest met?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:19 am

He leaned back in his seat, picking through a few of the answers to that question in his mind. "Because someone needs to ask it, and it doesn't seem that anyone you know is asking it. Because what's happened to you is beyond unfair. Because I've seen what can happen to people like us when they don't have anywhere to go, and I can't in good conscience let it happen to someone when I can do something about it." He figured that was enough reasons, so he looked over at her again. "I mean, I can go on, if you want."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:24 am

She shakes her head a bit.

"Life ees unfair for many people in zees warld. Zees happenings are a shame, yes, but zere are many ozers out zere who haf eet mach warse."

A small tip from her tea, she looks out to the snow in the streets.

"You want ansair to your quaystion? Eet eez simple. Non."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:34 am

He smiled a little at her answer. "There probably are. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't help where we can, though."

"Because if you don't have any reason to stay, you should go. You don't have to come with me, I can just help you find the way to the first step, if you want. I mean, I know, random crazy stalker..."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:37 am

A tilt of her head as she listens carefully to his words.

"You keep saying 'we'. In your post you speak of 'us'. Who eez it you speak off?"

She seemed very curious about what he was saying, leaning forward a bit.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:41 am

"You're a mutant. I'm a mutant. These days, with all the hysteria going on, it's starting to feel like the only 'them versus us' that matters much." Oh god, don't let her be one of the ones who hasn't put together that she's a mutant...
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:47 am

The word hit her all over again and she gave a very subtle wince. Shifting a bit in her seat, she looks around, as if afraid people will hear. It's obvious that yes, she knows it, but it's apparent that she seems to think (or was lead to believe, considering the past few days) that it's a bad thing.

"Zis first step. What is it?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:56 am

"It's all right," he said, gently, watching her reaction. "You are who you are, and there's nothing bad about that. Don't let any stupid law or hysterical bigotry take that away from you."

He hesitated at her question, though. That was where it was tricky. "How old are you?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:58 am

Looking to him now, she raises a brow.


It's pretty clear the creep factor came back in with this.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:03 am

He nodded. "Good. Means you won't get stopped for parental consent every step of the way." And means we won't have to strong arm your parents into giving it.

"The first step is that you need to get off the street. And you probably ought to finish out your last year of high school." He thought about it a minute. "The... Easiest place for that would probably be in Paris. There's an X-Corp office there... They can help you get your year finished out and keep away the goons that are preying on mutants right now. After that..." He shrugged. "What would you want to do? Do you know?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:17 am

His answer makes sense to her and she relaxes again, now looking him over a bit more in detail.

"I haf all my hours for graduation. Was merely along for zee ride to July, I suppose. Zee ride and the piece off paper to put me into the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Full scholarship for my grades."

When he asks her that question, she gives a bit of a sheepish smile, though the determination is very evident.

"I want to help people. I was going to major in social sciences. Psychology. I had given thought to nursing school as well. Is silly, I know. Lately I haf seen the futility of going into something that paves way for troubles in my ability. Is my own fault I haf not thought about what I would do instead since...all zis."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:27 am

"Don't worry about 'all this.' All over the world right now, people like us are being shut out of things because of how we were born or what we can do. There's no other way to put it: it's bullshit. Well, it's also evil and inhuman, but there's no nicer way of putting it."

"We'll get you to X-Corp, and they can get you that piece of paper. After that... Well, they can tell you your options." He gave her a sideways glance. "But don't give up yet. And don't call your dreams silly. Even if it was, I have a very high threshold for silly," he added with a smirk.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:32 am

Relieved at his words, she relaxes more visually, the smile on her face bigger now, as there was a glimmer of hope she could hold onto. That was all that she needed. One simple thing and she could carry it forever.

"You say zees place is in Paris?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:39 am

He nodded. "Yep. Paris. Not sure how big it is, never been to the one in Paris. But they can work on getting you adjusted and set up with things." He shrugged. "But hey, Paris, right?" He said with a smirk.

"So... You still want to wait until I'm looking away and make a break for the door?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:44 am

A bit of a smirk crosses her face.

"Paris is not as amazing as zey say unless you are a tourist."

Looking from the door back to him, she shakes her head.

"You are not so bad. I am not one to run unless forced, anyway."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:50 am

"Well yeah, but I'm American. I'm supposed to act all awed and impressed with Paris, right?" He joked.

"So... The next train to Paris doesn't leave until morning. How about we get a place for you to stay tonight?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:57 am

She looks to the outside at the snow, knowing full well it's damn cold and she really, really does not want to sleep in a non-heated abandoned house again. The druggies there were getting out of hand as well. She could use a hot bath and a bed to sleep it, it was true.

"I sink I can agree to zat."

There was a bit of apprehension on her face. After all, this guy had apparently come to France and knew about her blog and generally the whole situation was creepy and awkward. But at the same time, she felt it was right. Her gut feeling told her to trust. And her gut feeling was hardly wrong.

And by the Gods did she want a bath.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:59 am

"Good, glad that's settled. Do you know of any hotel by the train station? I didn't get to look around much on my way into town."

"If you have to go pick anything up, I could meet you there, or I could give you a ride. Whatever you want."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:05 am

"Zere are a few close to the station. Hôtel Kyriad, Hotel Ibis Nice Centre Gare, Hôtel De Berne, Hôtel Trocadéro...many."

She pats her backpack and motions to her belongings around her.

"Zis is all I haf. I do not leave sings where addicts would take zem."

Giving a bit of a head tilt, she curiously asks.

"You rented a car for zis stay?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:48 am

"Nnnnno," he said slowly, starting to get paranoid Iover what she'd find weird. "I drove down from England." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the bike. "Took a couple days. Sorry to keep you waiting."

"If riding on that isn't your thing, I get it." And if it is, welcome to 'pretty much every girl I know.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 6:43 pm

As he points to the motorbike, she gives a nod, not seeming surprised or excited either way. The city was full of mopeds, after all. This wasn't a big change. Hell, she could probably drive it herself if need be.

She did, however, look relieved. What *wasn't* her thing was being stuck inside a vehicle. She loved the outdoors by nature, and having to ride in a car where she couldn't outwardly feel the air without a window down...well...it just wasn't her thing. It was almost borderline claustrophobia.

Beginning to gather her things, she pauses, thinking on something, then just lets it pass. After this brief moment, she looks to him and smiles a bit.

"You are in city zat has more bikers per head zen any other country in Europe. I would find it odd if someone here did not like motorbiking."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:33 pm

"Well, you know, it's winter. Most people think I'm crazy biking around now." He finished off his drink, then led her out to the bike. He opened up the front hatch, pulling out an extra helmet for her and making room for her backpack. "You'll have to tell me how to get there. Took me forever find my way here," he said as he climbed on.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:52 pm

Accepting the helmet, she places it on and slides up the visor.

"Even in winter, bikes give more freedom zan cars."

Setting her bag into the hatch, she then moves over to the seat and scoots back, hands towards the back of the bike, looking ready to go.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:02 pm

The ride was uneventful, Ryan not wanting to make her fall off when she wasn't hanging on. When they got to the hotel, he rented two rooms, then handed her the other key. "I'll be in room 103 if you need anything. Or maybe at the bar. It'll be a long night."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:09 pm

After a long, relaxing bath, Veronica makes her way to the bar. She had had some time to think on all this, (and stalk his profile a bit more) and she had a few questions. Well, not just a few, but quite a large number. She didn't want to bombard the man with questions but...as open as he seemed, she didn't think he'd actually find it to be a problem.

As she stepped inside, she looked around for him, and likely making sure there were no others there she recognized.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:35 pm

Ryan was sitting at the bar, about halfway through eating as he watched the news on the bar's television. He didn't seem to be engrossed in it, probably because he had no idea what anyone was saying. Contrary to his online image, he didn't seem to be in any hurry to become the life of the bar. He looked tired, and for the first time that trip as frazzled as he felt. He was, after all, stuck in a country for the night that was rather hostile to him on a genetic level. He was probably being tracked somehow, and while nothing would come of it, seeing how he wasn't going to cause any trouble, it still nagged at him. And more to the point, he hated how creepy it usually looked to come at people out of the blue like that... but when they'd run away or been kicked out of home, there wasn't much other choice.

At least the wine was pretty good. Made him a little drowsy, but he didn't have anything else to do, thankfully.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:45 pm

As she spotted him, she watched him for a few moments. Based on what she read in his profile and saw of his pictures, this quiet demeanor seemed odd. After her eyes trailed along the rest of the bar and found what looked to be no threats, she moved over beside him, motioning to the seat.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

She seemed much more relaxed, being clean and all.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:52 pm

He smiled at her, pushing out the seat next to him. "Well, I do always like hearing that my company's better than an empty room. So please. Are you hungry?" By now he didn't even think about it. His eyes opened more alertly, his posture straightened, anything weary seemed to leave his expression and features. Public relations was a touchy thing, as was his role in these types of recruitments. She'd been alone and vulnerable for too long (it WAS a short time, granted, but even a day was too long), and him being off his guard in public wasn't likely to set her at ease at all.
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