Eyes Opened- Nice, France

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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:09 pm

She had already taken notice of his demeanor, but at that moment in time didn't say anything about it, thinking she could just add it to her list of questions. As she took a seat, she pulled out her journal, writing down the time, then slipped it back away in her jacket pocket, giving a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Honestly, yes."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:25 pm

He chuckled and slid the menu over to her. "Thought that might bring you out. Well, that or you'd run me up a nice room service bill." He waved to the bartender, indicating that he had her meal as well. "So. Feeling a little better now?" he 'asked,' already sure of the answer.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:38 pm

She looks the menu over for a few moments before ordering something. As she places the menu back down and waits for her drink, she looks over to Ryan and gives a nod. "Much better. I sank you." Regarding him for a few moments, it's obvious there's a bit of concern on her face. Again, she had already noticed his tiredness before, and him trying to hide it now only made her confused. "I sought you Americans were excited about visiting such places. And by zee look on your profile, you seem a vibrant person. You haf not slept well?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:42 pm

He shrugged. "Past couple days, I've been driving through a country that made me register my genetic profile on entry. Oh, and the 'on a motorcycle in December on the freeways' adds a bit to it. I love traveling, but every place was a lot more... open when I was younger. I think I've seen a little too much to relax until I'm out of the country." He shrugged, taking a sip of wine. "And this is a business trip, not a party run. You're the important thing, not making a flashy appearance."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:58 pm

The bartender brings her the beer she ordered and she smiles in thanks. After taking a swig, she looks back to him. "Which part of zee States are you from? You must not be used to zis weather." She says it almost teasingly, as if trying to make the situation less awkward. The mention of her being 'important' seems to cause her to shift a bit. It was an odd thing to her, being regarded as 'important' in any sort of situation. "But why? I do not understand. I am sorry."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:05 pm

"Spent most of my life around New York, so yeah, this weather's pretty normal. Take it at a hundred kilometers per hour, though? Whole different story," he said, smirking. "If it's a cold I can feel, you know it has to be cold."

"And I'm going to need to you to be a little more specific. Why what?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:16 pm

A smirk. "Cold or not, I sink it's better than a car." Clearly she was just trying to bring the conversation to be more relaxed at this point, giving anyone who would be watching less of a reason to listen in. They were just two people sitting at a bar, nothing more, nothing less. She spoke up again. "You say zey have your genetic profile now. Why risk zis? Especially for one person? What is zee X-Corp? Who are you?" The questions had begun. She felt bad, quieting after a few of them.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:34 pm

Ryan, on the other hand, didn't seem to have a problem with people listening. He was a public enough figure that He considered it a moment, thinking of where to start his answer. "My father was Genoshan. Everyone in the country was a mutant that came from somewhere else. Then when he was about twenty, the whole island was razed. Everyone that was there, his whole family... just gone."

"Most people don't want to do things like that to us, I know that. But most people are also too afraid to help us. The only ones who will help us are each other. So that's what I do."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:55 pm

She is quiet for a few moments after he finishes, a bit of an awkward silence following.

"I am sorry your family has gone srough zis. As you said before, it is inhuman. I do not understand why people haf zis feeling off hate to us. Fear off unknown is only sing I can attribute it to. Oders take zis fear and feed on it, I sink is what it comes down to. It is disturbing. But it is also relieving to hear of people like you who only want to help."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:57 pm

"Yeah, well, there are plenty of guys that prove the fear right, so I can't totally blame them. Registration sounds like a great idea on paper. It's just when you get down to practicing it that it turns into a giant mess that screws up people's lives."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:07 pm

"I don't sink it is just on paper. They did blood test for us. Said it was for just CBC, full panel, but zey took many vials. Six total, four small, two larger. It was confusing, I admit. CBCs only take one or two vials, maybe up to four if extensive testing is done. The two extra vials were off different color stopper. Zey are normally green, brown, lavender, mais...zees ones were black. I should haf asked about it before it was done."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:23 pm

"Good eye," he said. "But really... who questions their doctor? It's pretty easy for them to outright lie to you."

"In the states, you only got a blood test if you were in the hospital or got arrested, or if you volunteered. It makes things a lot... messier. Some people get riled up because they go too far, some people get riled up that they aren't going far enough. There've been riots all over the place since things got started."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:30 pm

Nodding as she listens, her brows furrowed.

"And what is it like in London?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:41 pm

"About like in any other city that hasn't gone crazy yet. You've got your good places and your bad places. But it's still illegal to test your blood without permission or discriminate. It gets overlooked sometimes, but... well, no place is part of a perfect world."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:45 pm

Another swig from her beer, and her food arrives. It's a small salad and a piece of bread to dip in olive oil. The meal isn't large, but considering her size, it was probably the perfect portion for her. Taking up the fork and knife, she begins to cut the salad to smaller pieces. "What is X-Corp?" While she waits for an answer, she does her best not to inhale the food. It hadn't been THAT long since she had a meal, but she had a high metabolism.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:52 pm

"X-Corp sort of bridges the gap between superheroes, relief workers, and social work. Their main focus is making sure that mutant rights are upheld, but they branch out into disaster relief, things like that." He took a drink from his wine, finishing it off and motioning for the bartender to fill him up again. "The offices in the US and Paris have turned into basically one huge legal department, from what I've heard. If you want to get on with your life there, they know how to help you get set up. If you want to get out of the country, they know how to make that happen, too."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:01 am

Working on her salad slowly, she listens intently. It's clear that what he's saying interests her. "And you are a part of zem?" She made no effort to hide the fact she creeped on his profile. At this point, there was no use, considering he was the original one to start with the creep-factor. "In your profile you make mention of X-man."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:06 am

"Well, I didn't want to play the 'I'm totally a superhero' card, but... yeah," Ryan said, having the grace to give a slightly sheepish smile. Whether it was all and act or not? That was anyone's guess. "And the X-Men work with X-Corp pretty much all the time. So yes to both questions, I suppose."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:33 am

She was impressed. No sense in hiding it. To her, the world was pretty bland until recently. All of this in front of her was like her eyes being opened for the first time since she had discovered the beauty of music. This was...strangely exciting. She had never known any other mutants (that she knew of), and the fact that she was actually accepted for who she was, even by a complete stranger...it made her feel hope. To dwell on the darkness was not something she tended to do. Life was as beautiful as one made it out to be, despite hardships that could happen. The feeling was written across her face, a smile there as she finished the rest of her beer, asking the bartender for another. "Your father is one to help as well? You learn zis from him?" She knew it was a bit of a person question, bordering a bit towards crossing a line with the questions, but she asked it anyway.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:04 am

"In his way, yes. My parents are activists back in the states. They taught me the ideals, but... Well, they couldn't really teach me patience. So I had to find my own way of working for the cause." He thought a second. "And it was a little more appealing to me to go the flashy route when I got started. Still is, I guess," he admitted with a grin. "Gotta keep the world turning for there to be any causes to fight for."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:13 am

"Patience is useful, but too much off it and one could lose out on sings they could haf oderwise gained should zey haf worked hard towards zem." She smiles. "Flashy is more useful for some zen oders. If it works for you, zen obviously it is your way. It is impressive." Finishing her salad, she slides the plate over, wiping off the counter with her cloth before dropping it onto the plate. She turns a bit now, regarding him as they speak.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:47 am

He smiled 'modestly' at the compliment. "It brings about as much trouble as it does opportunity. That part you won't find on the blogs much," he chuckled. "All flash, no substance, that's what people like to think."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:51 am

She pauses at his last sentence, trying her best not to think too much on that, but failed miserably. Taking a long swig from her new beer, she just smirks a bit.

"All flash, no substance? I will haf to remember zis."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:56 am

Ryan chuckled. "Please don't?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:02 am

"If you say so." More of a smirk at this point. "Oder than being genetically profiled, haf you enjoyed zee sights so far? It is much prettier here when zee blossoms begin, but zee winter can be just as brilliant. Even zee shores here haf a beautiful look to zem due to zee ice."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:10 am

"Actually, yes, I have," he said thoughtfully. "With school and everything I never really got to travel much in the winter. Gives everything a different feel. And you can... I don't know, feel the history more in Europe. Everything's pretty new in America, it really is a little awe inspiring to go through a place that has history going back so far."

"Not that America doesn't have history going back that far too, you just don't very often see anything that shows it."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:19 am

"We take pride specifically in our architecture. From the Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame...all of zees places hold zee most beautiful of 'istories zat are cherished. Some cherish zem more zan oders, but zee 'istory in zis place runs deeper zan what most see with zee naked eye. As you say, you feel it. It is most enlightening."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:27 am

"Exactly. In America I liked going over the places between cities the most, I thought that the best sights were places where everything was untouched. The older forests, the deserts, the mountains... I didn't expect to find cities that had a draw like that."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:31 am

"I feel as if zee places zat are normally untouched are indeed zee best, as you say. Zey can sometimes tell zee most interesting stories. Stories that haf oderwise been ignored or forgotten. Haf you visited any of zee sights specifically? Or did you come straight to Nice?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:35 am

He shook his head, a little regretfully. "No, I came straight here, except for a little hostel I stopped at halfway for the night. I wasn't sure how long you'd been cut loose... I really didn't want to spend time sightseeing while you weren't safe," he admitted.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:39 am

"I am safer zan I would haf been should I haf stayed in my own home." She mutters a bit, taking another swig. "Do you plan on staying long? Oder zen leaving for Paris, of course."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:53 am

Ryan politely let the muttered comment pass without dredging into the muck of her family life. Then he shook his head. "I'll see you up to Paris, but I don't have much spare time. I've got a class to teach, I need to get back to Maldon in time for it. Probably have a day to spare in between." He was apologetic, he did hate just running off back to the school. But he really did have to make it back in time to catch the first class of the week.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:02 am

"Oh and you teach as well? Full off surprises, yet no substance. Hm." Nope. She was not going to let that go. "You must at least see one sing." She downed the rest of her beer. "Mais, we need to find an easily accessible roof. I know off one. Zee ladders are less than reliable, mais it is a good rush. Are you up for just one bit of sightseeing?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:06 am

He chuckled. "Yes, I teach. We've got a handful of kids younger than you at my school. I get to teach them how to control their powers." His wine was gone, and he finished off the rest of his food, leaving a generous bit of money for their meals and a tip. "All right, I bow to your expertise. What is it that I need to see?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:15 am

Motioning him to follow, she zips up her jacket and makes her way outside. Once there, she looks up at the sky, then around at the buildings, searching. Once reorienting herself with where they were, she begins walking down the streets. Keeping her head low, she stuck very close to Ryan (assuming he followed). It was known that the streets of Nice at night were...well...not nice; especially around the train station.

"We haf two blocks to travel. Is not too far, but keep your hands in your pockets and do not make eye contact with anyone."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:24 am

Ryan followed close to her, following her example. "That bad, huh?" He asked, reflecting on how much of a bad idea this could have been back when he couldn't make his wings disappear. Well, politically messy, at least. Don't know that anything would have been a PHYSICAL threat.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:30 am

"It is simply safer zis way. Addicts and zee like are quick to go after people who seem as if zey would be easy prey. Especially tourists at night. We are not on zee Promenade des Anglais, so I do not expect troubles." As they walk, every so often she looks up at random people, keeping a general eye on the surroundings. She doesn't make it obvious, but Ryan would likely know that's what she was doing. Apparently she's done this before in this city. Keeping to the main road, she passes up the chance for shortcuts into dark alleys. Finally, she stops and does look to one alleyway. Seeing no one down it, she begins walking down it, leading Ryan there towards one of the metal ladders. "Is zis creepy enough for you?" She says jokingly, reaching up and pulling the ladder down.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:48 am

"Hmm... Only a little. But then, I'm told I'm not nearly suspicious enough of women," he joked. The whole way, he was on high alert, and while she was projecting cautious wariness, he was projecting a disinterested ' don't fuck with me.' Fortunately, they hadn't come across anything he identified as a threat so far.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:57 am

And so they wouldn't come across any threats. The only thing that would have been the least bit worrisome was the corroded ladder/fire escape they were using. It was apparent this building was not in it's prime, but it was still standing. That had to count for something, right? Who cares about fire regulations? The ice was crusted against the ladder's broken bits of metal. "Take care, it is slippery." Her hands were becoming basically frozen blocks of ice, but to her it was worth it; a barrier between the ladder and her skin. Every so often she looked down to see if he was climbing alright.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:00 am

And when she looked, she'd see him gliding up behind her, not touching the disintegrating ladder. "You know, far be it from me to criticize, but that doesn't look like the best way to get up to the roof," he mused.
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