Eyes Opened- Nice, France

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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:04 am

She stopped climbing, confused as all hell. Many things were going through her mind at this moment in time. As she held on longer, the ice began to melt and she just looked at him in shock. Obviously this was not something she had ever seen before. The look on her face was not one of fear, not one of confusion. It was purely and simply fascination. Curiosity. "...'ow do you..."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:11 am

He smirked up at her. "Magic," he said, innocently. Then he chuckled. "How do any of us do anything? No one really has a good explanation."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:14 am

She gave him a flat look. "Magic, my ass. Zee wings in zee pictures....?" An inquiring tone. She had taken note of them, but she attributed it to photoshop. That program could do anything with a talented artist at hand. The ice melted more, she didn't seem to pay attention to it.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:24 am

"I didn't think it was a good idea to be flashing them around in France. Low profile and all. I just found out this year that I could... Well, it's a long story. Easier to show you later. But yeah, they're real."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:29 am

Looking back to the ladder, she curses under her breath at the fact the ice has melted down to almost the bars now. She begins to climb again. "You must see amazing sings using zem."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:32 am

He smiled for a minute as he followed. "Things I wouldn't trade for the world," he confirmed. "There are pictures, though..."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:37 am

"Can you imagine zee view from zee top of the Eif-" Her foot had come to the bar that's ice had melted off. Unfortunately, the ice was keeping it sturdy. Now that she had put her weight on it, the crunch was heard and her foot broke through it. Holding tight onto the ice was...well it's ice. It was completely ineffective. And down she started to go, about 3 stories up and a beautiful word following her. "Merde!"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:45 am

The fall was nasty. The flimsy ladder would only add to the mess when grabbed, and the dirty alley beneath would provide a treacherous landing.

Which made it an extremely good thing that she didn't have a clear shot to the ground.

Ryan was dropping too, more slowly, of course, so he had time to catch her. He grabbed her around the waist in a strong grip, slowing her to a stop, his own eyes wide with the shock of the moment as well. "Easy," he said, his voice much more calm than his face, "I've got you, it's all right."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:50 am

Her face was set with embarrassment. Real smooth, Veronica. Real damn smooth. "I apologize." Was really all she could muster, reaching out for the ladder again. A woman of determination, she wasn't going to let that ladder beat her, nor make her look as incompetent as she felt she just did.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:53 am

"That eager to get away?" He teased. "Come on. Let's take the express route up," he said as they started moving up.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:00 am

It made her nervous, and it was probably apparent on her face. Strangely enough, it wasn't the fact they were, you know, gliding it the air. Heights meant nothing to her. If anything, they actually were something she loved. Her nervousness stemmed from something else. She put her hands in her pockets. If she just tried to play it cool, maybe he wouldn't notice.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:06 am

He frowned at that, it was his turn to be confused. "What is it?" he asked gently, taking them up toward the roof at a good pace. It was pretty obvious that touching was her problem, but then again, she'd just been grabbing those old nasty bars, so... It didn't make much sense yet.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:16 am

How could she explain it? She furrowed her brows, thinking of the best way to go about it. Could she just come right out and say it? Hell, he was like her. What could it hurt? Not to mention he had spoke on how he was a trainer to help people with their powers. Maybe he had some insight about it all? "Well, is...not to simple to explain. It is, yet it is not." She looked to how far they were from the roof. Seeing they were about two stories from it, she eased up a bit. "Is easier to show once on zee roof. You have somesing zat you consider precious? Somesing you hold from a memory you would not care if kept secret, yet no one would know off?" It was a strange question, but she had a reason for it.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:30 am

Ryan frowned, thinking about that one as they came up over the building. He carefully set her down, then reached back into his pocket for his wallet. He pulled it out and rummaged in among the various credit cards and IDs until he came out with a piece of folded paper. He opened it up, only about as big as a photograph, revealing a crayon drawing that roughly resembled a person with... Something squiggly behind him? "I think this is all I have with me," he said, showing her.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:38 am

She reaches out slowly and takes the drawing, her fingers gently hold the paper, treating it with utmost care. Before she continues, she looks at her watch and takes note of the time. "Ten thirty-five..." Her voice a bit soft as she states the time. Finally, she closes her eyes. She could easily keep them open, but she has a general self conscious nature about the purple hue they take on. After finished (it doesn't really take long), she opens her eyes. The soft, light lavender hue is still there, but fades away quickly. "She grows fast. Three years old now?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:43 am

Ryan smiled faintly. "Yeah. Almost four." For some reason, this made him look away, promptly losing himself (and rightly so) in the view. "You weren't kidding. This was completely worth risking falling to your death," he said, totally serious, as he gazed in the direction of the icy ocean.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:53 am

She nods excitedly, moving over to look over the view. Her own eyes settles on the Mediterranean, a soft smile on her face. Handing the drawing back to him, she chuckles a bit. "You are a very good brother to her." Her voice kind and genuine. "Zee problem with touch as off late is zat I haf found zis...ability? Is not just applying to objects. I haf been able to do it with people as well. It may seem innocent enough, mais it is intrusion off privacy. Secrets can be shown, old memories can manifest and cause pain. I can not control when it is with people." Her voice sounded off a bit of disappointment, likely proving that she had tried to before, but failed.

"Wis objects I am able to learn things. Histories. Informations. Almost anysing. I learned zee password to zee school's database zis way." She smirks a bit, almost proudly, then corrects herself quickly. "But not to change marks or do anysing. It was simply a test. Wis people, it is different. Sometimes heartbreaking. Sometimes terrifying. Sometimes beautiful. But it is not moral."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:10 am

"I was a good brother to her. Now I can barely get into the country to see her." He sighed a little, fixing his attention away from that thought and onto the scenery and what she was saying. "Give it time. If you can control it with objects, you'll be able to control it with people, too," he assured her. "But you're right... Some people might get a little upset, some people not so much."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:17 am

She didn't press further on the topic of his sister. It wasn't the time, nor the place. Hell, she had just met him not even a day ago. She turns a bit to face the North-East, pointing towards a specific building that would likely be able to be seen from their height. "The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice. It always shines bright at night. It is not as grand as zee one in Paris, but still. Now you can say you saw at least one attraction, yes?" She offers a smile.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:31 am

"The benefits of having a good guide," he agreed, smiling back at her. He looked over the city at the Basilica for a little longer, an odd feeling creeping over him as he did. Still, he shook the feeling off. "It all looks so quiet up here... Can hardly remember that the ground can be so dangerous here..."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:53 am

"It feels safe up here. Zee world continues on down zere and not many sink to look up or around zem. Zey are so involved in zee daily sings zey do not take zee time to look at zee beautiful world around zem. Why look up when you haf so many sings to do and take care off? Why take zee time to sink on somesing's beauty and how it can help you, when you know not what it is zee beauty can even do or how it became? Is much easier for people to hide behind what zey perceive as comfort which in reality is cruelty and ignorance. It is a sad way of living, I sink."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:14 pm

"They won't look up who are afraid of what may be above them, or what might be looking back," Ryan said without thinking, then frowned a little over the thought. Weird night. He shook his head, walking over to the edge of the roof, perching there to peer down over the city.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:39 pm

She watches as he goes to the edge, but shows no signs of being worried about it. The man can fly. No sense in worrying about him falling. Moving beside him, she brushes the snow off of a section and takes a seat there, not looking down, but looking...up. At the stars. It was a clear night, the snow-clouds having made their way off earlier in the day. The city lights didn't help in way of revealing stars, but there were a few visible. "I sink regardless of what looks back, it should not cause for fear. Fear has a smell. Dose zat would use zat fear feed on it. One should stare back at it and dare it to come. Determination and confidence do wonders."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:09 pm

For some reason, this made Ryan chuckle. "A good mindset. But you haven't seen a lot of the things that could be staring back yet."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:09 pm

"Does zat matter?"
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:16 pm

He thought about it. "I think it does sometimes. Or maybe it just matters who it is looking up." He chuckled a little. "No one's the same. If you dare everything to come at you, sooner or later something will come that will smother you."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:22 pm

She gave a nod in understanding. It made sense, really. Full-forced confidence and determination was bound to cause problems at some point. Squinting a bit, she gives a smile after she sees a shooting star. "Completely off topic, but I wonder what would happen if I touched a meteorite." A grin now as she wondered the possibilities, and it wasn't just that; it was the fact she could openly talk about these things without being judged. It was a nice change.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:32 pm

He considered that. "It depends on how far back your power can look, I suppose. Or if any aliens landed on that meteor sometime."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:38 pm

"I haf never known how far back I can look. I find zat zee more I concentrate on finding sings out, I lose my own memories. Euh, more zey get confusing. Is why I keep journal."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:49 pm

"Oh, that... yeah, that would be a reason to not try. Because if anything touched that meteor, it'd be something really, really, really old." Why does everything just keep coming back to old things lately...
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:13 pm

She raises a brow, opening her mouth to inquire further, but resigns to just let it go. There was no reason to be surprised about anything anymore. Asking about it all would only make her feel like a fool. Besides, he already said there wasn't a lot of time. Lowering her eyes to peer across again to the icy coast. "If you are going to be traveling again for days from Paris, you should try to get some sleep. Driving while sleep deprived, especially on a bike is bound to get you into trouble."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:20 pm

He shrugged. "I might. I might also just take the train with you and come back for the bike. We'll see." He smirked at her. "For that matter, you haven't had a safe place to sleep for a while now. You should rest, too."
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:38 pm

She smirks back. "I suppose it'd be easy for you to get back here quickly, yes?" A soft laugh. She wouldn't mind the company on the train, to be honest. But she wasn't going to come right out and say it. He had more important things to do, and she wasn't about to interfere with any of it. If he could possibly save someone else and give them hope like he had just done for her, then she wasn't about to chance that not happening. "I should be fine on zee train. And yes, I sink it is good time now to sleep." She stood, letting her gaze rest on the sea one last time before turning to head back to the ladder.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:39 pm

"I think we've seen that the ladder isn't reliable, hm?" Ryan said, chuckling as he walked over to her, shrugging out of his jacket. "So... let's take the express route?" He stretched, then seemed to give a relieved sigh as he began to glow, his wings coalescing on his back. It was alarmingly bright, but only for a moment.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:56 pm

Watching him do this, it was clear she was fascinated by the wings, but she didn't really speak on it nor look on the beautiful things for too long. She didn't want to come off rude for staring. "I...suppose zat would be logical." Awkwardly, she moves over to him, hands in her pockets. She wasn't quite sure how to go about this.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:01 pm

"You know," Ryan sad with a slight smirk, "I'm pretty sure that my shirt doesn't have any strong emotional significance. If you're that worried, though, maybe this'd be less awkward?" He pulled his riding gloves out of his jacket pocket, offering them out.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:14 pm

It was embarrassing. She felt bad about it, but she didn't want even the remote possibility of intruding on someone's history and memories. However, she trusted him, for whatever reason. Waving away the gloves she has a set look of determination. "If you say your shirt is fine, zen it will be." To her, it was that simple, and she wasn't about to let her powers and her minute understanding of them dictate how she acted around someone who only wanted to help. Regardless of all of this, it was still awkward for her. Was she supposed to just wrap her arms around him? Cling to him? This wasn't a matter of fear of powers anymore. It was literally a matter of 'How does one go about holding onto a handsome man with wings?'. The longer these things ran through her mind, the more awkward and embarrassed she appeared. Smooth. Real smooth.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:28 pm

Ryan smiled reassuringly, reading her uncertainty in the rather obvious half-motions she was making. "Just put your hands on my shoulders," he said, talking her through it as he put his arm around her waist. "And hold on tight. Don't worry, you won't hurt me if you grab hard." Then with a feathery flap, he jumped with her into the alley, his wings spread wide. Whether they acted as a parachute or if it was just his natural levitation, it was hard to tell. All that really mattered was that it was a gentle trip down to the surface.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Veronica Glarette » Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:45 pm

And so she did. She didn't hold too tightly, in fact she basically barely held on. Her trust in him was apparent, and she didn't think he would be dropping her anytime soon. If he did, well, that would really suck. But she wasn't worried in the slightest. The gentle trip down was fun for her, she looked around, not closing her eyes or appearing fearful. For her, it was a neat new way of perceiving the possibilities in the world. If one could fly, what sort of things could actually be found or experienced? She was always one to look at the bigger picture of things, and her mind was full of wonder now. Once on the ground, she smiled and moved her hands away. "Sank you for zee ride. And for everysing." It was true, she was incredibly thankful for everything he had done and said today. There was no way she could repay him.
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Re: Eyes Opened- Nice, France

Postby Ryan Gabriel » Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:40 am

He smiled back at her as he let go of her. "Everyone needs a hand up sooner or later. I'm just the guy that gets to give it this time," he said. The wings dissipated in a haze of light, leaving only a few stray feathers drifting to the ground as he shrugged back into his jacket. Just keep playing it cool. Say anything that's remotely hitting on her, and you won't live it down back at school.
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