Graham Jaeger

Graham Jaeger

Postby Graham Jaeger » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:28 am

Character Name: Graham Jaeger
Country of Origin: United States of America
Hometown: Ontonagon, Michigan
Age: 16
Birthday: August 14
Height: 5'9" ||| Weight: 147 lbs. (when human)


Physical Description: Graham is a strong but lean looking teen with wavy brown hair and blue eyes. Judging by looks alone he very much seems the friendly farm boy.

Personality: Not having had much social contact outside of his immediate family, he is understandably awkward around strangers. Despite this, he is eager to become not-strangers with new people.

Power Explanation: Graham has the ability to shapeshift into a large Roosevelt Elk (wapiti to you silly Europeans). This comes with keen senses of smell and hearing, night vision, heightened agility, and the typical animal shifter regeneration factor. When in his satyr-like hybrid form, he gains some strength in proportion to his greater size (roughly an extra foot in height).

Non-Mutant Abilities: Graham has been expertly trained in archery, assorted wilderness skills, and the use of knives. He has also had a few lessons in close combat from his honorary uncle.

History: Graham Jaeger was born the son of gold medal Olympic archery champion George Jaeger who was stripped of his medal for alleged cheating that he still claims was a setup. That event, coupled with the later trauma of losing his wife to illness, set the man on a path of increasing paranoia that ultimately led to believing he had to prepare his sons for the inevitable collapse of civilization. No, the logic jump never made sense to anyone else either, but that only reinforced his decision to cut his children off from the outside world.

So, after the age of eight, Graham was raised virtually off the grid in a cabin in the woods. His continued education consisted mostly of lessons in archery, tracking, and scavenging, with the occasional book lesson thrown in to satisfy home schooling regulations. One day, around when he turned 15, he went missing. Days later, a hunter in the area found the biggest elk stag he had ever seen and, predictably, shot it. Then, it turned into a person.

He was questioned in the hospital but did what his father told him and said nothing. Eventually his father found him, but something a visiting X-Corp representative had told him had stuck. After a huge fight, Graham ran away and contacted X-Corp. After the dust settled and he caught up on some of his missed education, he was sent to the university. He did not register with the US government.
Last edited by John Hino on Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Graham Jaeger
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Re: Graham Jaeger

Postby Nailah Weaver » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:31 am

Still looks good, so... Approval 1/2
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Re: Graham Jaeger

Postby Will Stanton » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:12 am

Approval 2/2
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