Charlotte Irving

Charlotte Irving

Postby Charlotte Irving » Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:37 pm

Name: Charlotte Irving
Codename: Schrodinger
Age: 16
Hometown: Dundee, Scotland

Power: According to the tests performed on her by the med center Charlotte's power is “Actualization of modifications to predetermined outcomes of probabilistic uncertainty through non-temporal non-deterministic manipulation of reality.” Some one must have had fun writing that.

Her power manipulates unknown probabilities, effectively choosing the desired result from the possible options. The power seems to work without a regard to time, as the unknown state could have been set long before she decides what outcome she wants and her powers still will take effect.

Her power can not directly effect the actions of other people. Also, her power also can not cause something that would never happen to happen, it has to be actually possible. While she may “cause” many unlikely things to happen, it is more that she is finding these things where ever they exist than actually making them happen.

The power does not seem to be based on luck per say as the effects can be either lucky or unlucky. It does seem to default to outcomes with lower probability when done by accident. Accidents do happen as she doesn't yet have complete control of her powers.

Example 1: Games of chance. It can be from raffles to those prizes market under bottle caps or inside wrappers. Charlotte has a far better chance of winning them then you would think possible. It's not all big prizes either, it can just be lots of little ones. You don't want to play her in a game that uses dice unless you don't mind losing... badly.

Example 2: For most manufactured items a there are percentage that are faulty or substandard in quality that get through inspection. While it may be possible to detect these differences with the right equipment or testing for most people it seems to be bad luck to get one. Charlotte's had extremely bad luck with phones.

Personality: Friendly and by no means shy, she is still more reserved. At her old high school she was very much the slightly geeky smart girl and she feels no reason to reinvent herself.

Description: Slightly taller than average, with brown hair and eyes, she is moderately nearsighted so she wears glasses full time. She tends to dislike bright colors in her clothes and tends towards more muted tones.

Background: Charlotte had a fairly normal if by no means perfect up bringing. Her parents Julia Irving and Sergei Tereshchenko divorced when she was young. She lived with her mother after that and saw her father less and less over the years. She relationship with her father turned sour and she eventually took her mother's last name. Her mother eventually remarried a Thomas Duncan and later gave birth to her far younger half-brother Aaron. She also has a step-sister Katherine from Thomas's previous marriage.

Lately due to a number of strange “coincidences” and other “occurrences”, combined with the knowledge that she might be a mutant, she was referred to go to Xavier's for an evaluation. After learning the results and realizing she needs to better learn to control her powers she enrolls at XI.
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Charlotte Irving
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Re: Charlotte Irving

Postby Nailah Weaver » Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:12 pm

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Re: Charlotte Irving

Postby Sergei Tereshchenko » Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:10 pm

"I'm about to get very unlucky, aren't I?"
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Re: Charlotte Irving

Postby Will Stanton » Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:30 pm

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